Unexplored path inside the Explored path.

Master_mischief69Master_mischief69 Member Posts: 242 β˜…β˜…
edited January 5 in General Discussion
Hi guys, years after completing ACT 4, yup years after completing it, I finally thought about exploring it but guess it, even kabam don't want me to do it πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ because there are few tiles aren't explored between the completed paths, I'll post some screenshots here,

This is from 5.4.4, which I recently explored and that path was my ACT 4 completion path... In the beginning I thought it was a visual glitch but in the end it shows I didn't explore 2% of the path, that's why I'm posting it here probably a bug???!!

I have another one, because this one is only completed but even that path was bugged with unexplored tiles...

This one is from 5.4.3, you can see here, that was my completion path and I didn't explore any other paths.... Hope you guys can fis this...

Thank you...


  • Master_mischief69Master_mischief69 Member Posts: 242 β˜…β˜…
    edited January 5

    Acts 4 and 5 were updated a few years ago and some paths removed and others combined. What you’re seeing is because you previously completed a path that has been combined with another path that you have not completed.

    Oh, lol, I took a break for a while, so I didn't know that, wait, I missed the compensation too ig, but you know if they are gonna leave a path as completed one it should be completely explored or they should've leave it completely unexplored but this doesn't make any sense. lol, anyway thanks buddyπŸ˜…πŸ˜Š
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