Juggernaut sp3 bugs - he too big to enter the hole on ground so he decided to use telekinesis

CaptainaidenCaptainaiden Member Posts: 1,145 ★★★★
edited January 7 in Bugs and Known Issues

Try to click the pic, it's a video
My man, you need to dig big hole


  • Chicago84Chicago84 Member Posts: 9
    Juggernaut sp2 and sp3 what's going? Can it get fix?
  • DubblezDubblez Member Posts: 9
    So i had a nice discussion with kabam!! I went into necro for carinas challange and in the guardian fight the screen had that orange glow!! Well I restarted my phone a bunch of times and still I could barely see anything!! After being that far in I thought we'll I'll try to finish this. I spent dozens of revives and level 5 health potions on finishing that fight!! In total it cost me nearly 2k units. I told kabam about this issue and they said in short kick rocks we will give the community a tiny **** reward for all the bugs but thank you for spending all your units on this!! But you as a player along with the other thousands of players I'm sure bad this issue get NOTHING!! SO CORPORATE GREED PREVAILS AGAIN WITH KABAM!! THEY MADE UPWARDS OF 40 TO 50 MILLION DOLLARS ON THE BAMQUET EVENT!!! YET THEY DONT CARE ABOUT PLAYERS THEY CARE ABOUT PROFITS AND WHALES!!! ACTUALLY NOT EVEN ABOUT WHALES REMEBER THE CHEATING AND COWHALE COMLAINED AND QUIT THE GAME BECAUS EVEN AFTER HE SPENT PROBABLY UPWARDS OF 500K HIMSELF ON THIS GANE THEY SAID WE JUST DONT GIVE A **** ABOUT YOU ALL WE CARE ABOUT IS MONEY AND PROFITS!!!
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