Spiderman Classic's synergies bugged?

YungLampshade69V2YungLampshade69V2 Member Posts: 50
edited January 8 in Bugs and Known Issues
I recently pulled/ranked Shathra and Hit Monkey from titan crystals, so I've been messing around with them a lot. Since we got 3 free copies of Spiderman Classic as a 7*, I've been testing the synergies he has with Shathra and Hit Monkey because they seem pretty solid.

Here's the synergy with Shathra:

Here's the one with Hit Monkey:

Let's start with the Shathra synergy. First of all, the Wither debuff works as intended- so that part of the synergy is fine. The problem is the part about increasing his taunt ability accuracy by 75%. At base, Spiderman has a 25% chance to inflict taunt on basic attacks (+75% if the opponent is stunned, picture below). Increasing that 25% chance by the 75% from the Shathra synergy obviously means that he should be inflicting taunt on every single basic attack- that's how it works without the synergy when the opponent is stunned. That's not how it works in the game, though. It doesn't actually seem to increase the ability accuracy of his taunts at all, and he still frequently misses placing taunts when he doesn't have a stun up. Here's a picture of Spider-Man's taunt ability:

The problem with Hit Monkey's is a bit different. He does place a fragility debuff at 6+ webbing, but the problem is that he only places one. Spidey's signature ability is supposed to make it so that all webbing debuffs apply twice when at or above 4 webbing. You may think this is just because it's not one of his personal debuffs, but rather one from a synergy. The problem with that is the wither debuff he applies at 7+ webbing when he's Shathra's Wasp Totem does actually apply twice, so why doesn't the fragility from Hit Monkey's synergy?

Here's a picture of Juggs with 8 webbing on him- notice the 2 wither but only 1 fragility:

Hopefully these get fixed sometime soon, because the 3 of them are all pretty good at the very least, and form a nice little trinity together. Plus, the original Wall Crawler could always use a bit more pep in his *thwip*.


  • YungLampshade69V2YungLampshade69V2 Member Posts: 50
    Also, I should note that these problems were present before the update.
  • YungLampshade69V2YungLampshade69V2 Member Posts: 50
    I also feel like the potency of the fragile debuff from Hit Monkey's synergy may be bugged, because it doesn't feel like the crit damage rating of his hits increase at all when he has it.
  • MrKillaChrisMrKillaChris Member Posts: 176
    Maybe next year they'll looking into this lol jk
  • YungLampshade69V2YungLampshade69V2 Member Posts: 50

    Maybe next year they'll looking into this lol jk

    I mean if people stop spam posting about known bugs being fixed at this very moment like Juggernaut, color palettes, Android problems with certain champs, and Spiral's bug, then there's the ever smallest sliver of hope Kabam might get a chance to hear about it.
  • SquidopusSquidopus Member Posts: 821 ★★★★
    edited January 9
    The Shathra synergy is not bugged. Spidey’s taunts get +75% ability accuracy, which does not make them guaranteed, it just makes them 75% more likely to trigger for a total chance of ~44%. Note that his base kit effect which does let him inflict taunts guaranteed is a FLAT +75% AA boost (aka the number is added directly to the chance, as in 25% + 75% = 100%), which is why it works that way and Shathra’s synergy doesn’t.

    As for Hit-Monkey’s synergy, I do not know if that’s bugged, but despite not specifying in his kit I would have assumed that the double webbing debuffs only apply to Spidey’s personal debuffs and not any from synergies, so the fact that Shathra’s synergy wither debuff does stack twice is interesting to me. Either way I do think one of those is bugged, there’s no reason they should behave differently despite having basically the same description, I just don’t know which one is.
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