Help me choose my next Tech R2

As the subject says, I’m looking for my input on my next tech R2. I had originally planned to rank up Deathless Vision for the Necro run, but as I look at it I’m probably only going to use him for GM phase 3 and 4 (mostly 4) and maybe 1-2 other fights at most. Not sure it makes sense to rank him just for that since I doubt I’m going to use him much unless he gets buffed. It just isn’t practical to always need to run him with a full deathless team.
Given that, here are my current R2/R3 techs:

Here are my R1s:

I’m pretty stacked on attackers, so I’m primarily looking for dual threats or defenders. Given that Arcade’s buff was pretty solid, he is probably my lead option at this point.
What do you all think?
Well so much for a poll. Got screwed up as I edited it.
My lead options are Vision, Arcade, Sentinel, or Penny. Which do you think? Any other ones that I’m missing?
Given that, here are my current R2/R3 techs:

Here are my R1s:

I’m pretty stacked on attackers, so I’m primarily looking for dual threats or defenders. Given that Arcade’s buff was pretty solid, he is probably my lead option at this point.
What do you all think?
Well so much for a poll. Got screwed up as I edited it.
My lead options are Vision, Arcade, Sentinel, or Penny. Which do you think? Any other ones that I’m missing?
Help me choose my next Tech R2 19 votes
Does make me unhappy how weak D Vision is since Vision was one of my favorite champs growing up, but it is what it is. Fingers crossed for a re-balance.