Deathless Pieces

Is there a plan to allow missing pieces to be gained for those that weren’t around for the content? Maybe just make it permanent content? Or add them to the store with an alternative way to get them other than dropping $200? Seems silly to pay wall that content.
I think it's worth accepting the fact that you missed the opportunity to get certain heroes because you didn't see their value in advance.
Otherwise, in the next such event, everyone will think that the reward in it can be obtained in some other way.
Surely the can not give them up for free but i think 2k per piece would be an acceptable Price For both Kabam and the playerbase.
I you are short on 4 or more i wouldn‘t say 5 k is okay.
And aside of that, nor everybody has got the time to grind for the Units in a short amount of time
It wasn't just play a few minutes every once in awhile and get pieces. Some of them were rather difficult.
The necro initially didn’t have anything to do with the deathless Champs and there are a lot of arguments why the deathless pieces aren’t obtainable now or just for a huge amount of units.
So why is Maestro there?
And you definitely will get acess to deathless champ without spending 5k units a piece. You just have to wait for atleast a year though.
I thought it‘ll be available in any sort of content, i didn‘t know that they said it would be in the deathless content.
And as for quick grind, yes it is permanent content but its kind of frustrating to see the majority of players get thanks while you sit on the sidelines and wait a year to get a second Chance.
It's frustrating why? Because we did the content and you didn't, but now you don't have what the people that did it have, so you're frustrated sitting on the sidelines watching the players who put in the time and effort to get them, actually get to play with their new champs?
Are you kidding me? 🤣🤣🤣🤣
In due time i caught up with the endgame content but as it turned out i now end up frustrated waiting.
So i think its not fair to say you put in some effort and i didn’t.
It was just a bad timing on my restart.
However, alot of people also either didn't quite have the roster or skills or time or whatever to get the champs, while alot of other did make sure to grind for the champs.
Most of the pieces weren't that hard to get, though some were obviously harder than others.
The point is that those who did grind out the harder to get pieces absolutely deserve the champs, and those who didn't grind for them, absolutely didn't deserve to get them.
Eventually they will be made available for people who don't have them, but why is it you seem to think it's unfair for you to be sitting on the sidelines without them, when you either took a break, didn't have the roster or didn't have the skill or whatever to get them?
If you didn't get them at the time, you have to wait until they become available again, or simply pay the 5k units.
It's really that simple.
How is it anybody fault but your own that you didn't get them, again?
It's end game content that was made for end game players, not every person that plays the game was supposed to be able to get them.
So Kabam could have implemented a way for people to get stuff they missed out, without spending a ton of Units.
But i guess it is what it is, i‘m happy for everybody who has got his hands at Thanos and i‘m just going to wait until a second chance comes up.
The 20k Units i would have to spend for the pieces i‘m missing is just not worth the rewards.
Alliance war (per store refresh) - 1 purchase for 1m alliance chips
Incursion (per store refresh) - 1 purchase for 250k incursion trophy
BG (per BG period) - 1 purchase for 50k
Mysterium (per monthly refresh) - 1 purchase for 40k
Each purchase is a selector. Select the deathless champ first, then the piece you need.