Just finished my Deathless Necropolis run, maybe this is a hot take but…

Dr. CrabDr. Crab Member Posts: 701 ★★★
Deathless She-Hulk was like by far the best champ for the content and honestly, all around just amazing champ. I think Deathless Thanos is a better unit but man, She-Hulk…and Guillotine with the Deathless synergies is no throw away.


  • Dr. CrabDr. Crab Member Posts: 701 ★★★
    I’m not the best at this game for sure but, she solo’d: Dragonman easy, Captain America super easy, I think 1 maybe 2 reviews on Wiccan. Maybe, just great champ.

    Deathless Guillotine basically solo’d Vision Arkus (I think I used one revive from a silly mistake) and really made Hercules just a ehhh fight.

    It’s actually kind of funny, in hindsight, I barely used Deathless Thanos…
  • DerpyEagleDerpyEagle Member Posts: 775 ★★★★
    Dude I r3ed her this morning and all these posts are making me happy! Just grinding units for my 1 dkg piece I missed. Can’t wait to do the run!
  • Dr. CrabDr. Crab Member Posts: 701 ★★★
    Oh, also almost Tigra as well!
  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 5,799 ★★★★★
    What rank were all your deathless?
  • Dr. CrabDr. Crab Member Posts: 701 ★★★
    edited January 10
    Everyone was rank 3 except for Deathless Guillotine who was at rank 2…Although, knowing what I do now, I definitely, definitely should have R3’d her over Deathless King-Groot. I used him by far the least. Even Deathless Vision had his place (makes Captain Britain a normal…albeit, long fight, as well as being perfect for the final phase of the Nameless Grandmaster).
  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 5,799 ★★★★★

    Everyone was rank 3 except for Deathless Guillotine who was at rank 2…Although, knowing what I do now, I definitely, definitely should have R3’d her over Deathless King-Groot. I used him by far the least. Even Deathless Vision had his place (makes Britain a normal…albeit, long fight, as well as being perfect for the final phase of the Nameless Grandmaster).

    Thanks. I was deciding on who to take to r3 between Groot and Guilly. I can only get Vision down to 20% before I died unboosted with my r2. That helps a lot. Thanks for the info.
  • Dr. CrabDr. Crab Member Posts: 701 ★★★
    Definitely dude, you’ll find that she’s useful all over the place. Aside from Vision Arkus, she was awesome against Hercules. The trick is, don’t even throw your specials, just degen him basically to death. If you think you’re gonna lose, just pop your special three when you have a few souls and you’ll do a nice couple percent damage on your way out. I also found her not the best, but she did a lot of good against nova at the end. Also, for whatever reason, her animations for me were more fluid against the third phase of the Nameless Grandmaster, but also as a warning, it might’ve just been my sh**ty panicked playing, but he seemed a little bit bugged on the third phase. My characters seemed to just stick to the ground, even though I was swiping. Whatever though, it’s done. This is definitely probably been my favorite thing Kabam has ever done.
  • EquintsEquints Member Posts: 186
    I agree with this. Soloed almost every fight with those three.
  • OnepieceisnotrealOnepieceisnotreal Member Posts: 99
    I’m in the middle of the run rn.. guilly and she hulk is phenomenal. 3 more fights to go. No need r3. R2 works fine
  • Chuck_FinleyChuck_Finley Member Posts: 1,638 ★★★★★
    edited January 10
    Gonna try again this weekend - had and easy time with arkus and Titania. The final omega sentinel stage and her autoblock ate my revives in overflow… then a combination of being mostly being frustrated and passive AI has me screw up airwalker twice which is basically the only roadblock. So I quit out

    Thanos is r3, the rest R2. I don’t find any of these fights fun. That’s just me. There is a rhythm … and then Titania just inexplicably throws heavies until her traumas fall off. Or omega just won’t throw a special until I am cornered.

    I only have one other carina done - not sure I will attempt the others after deathless - main goal is just to awaken Thanos. But I seriously start questioning why I even play the game when i start languishing into a circle of doom
  • Darkraw346Darkraw346 Member Posts: 2,596 ★★★★★
    Right also Deathless Vision sucks
  • Dr. CrabDr. Crab Member Posts: 701 ★★★
    Yeah dude, every time I get to the third phase I just accept that it’s a literal tall booth where I just pay until he lets me pass, every once in a while though for some bizarre reason he’ll go wounded after the appropriate amount of money has been spent.

    Also @Chuck_Finley, yeah dude I’ve been having a lot of trouble with Airwalker as of late. For some odd reason, when this first came out, I just got through him relatively cheaply (ohhh, now that I think about it, I just Aegon’d him to death) but I think it was WillRunForDonut checked me on something I said, and I think he’s right, I think the first time I did this he like destroyed me but with a fully ramped Aegon and a paycheck, I just got through it one two three. I probably got lucky with a later run and assumed that I could just beat them every time but these last few runs, he just utterly destroyed me (except for the colossal run for the mutant challenge).

    The thing that gets me, and I’m not sure what that symbol is but it’s some type of degen that happens on you after he throws his special two. Again, I’m definitely not like an expert at any of these fights but if you get in that situation again, I think as long as you get him to throw his special one and you just take it holding block I don’t think you get the degen and for me I just used Deathless Guillotine and just got a bunch of degens to prop and eventually I took him down in like 10, maybe 15 revives. For me, this was the last of my Karina challenges and there was just no way I was gonna start over and do Titania or Vision, Arcus or Omega Sentinel one more effing time.
  • Dr. CrabDr. Crab Member Posts: 701 ★★★
    Whatevs though, it’s done and after like 7 years of playing, I got my first legends title out of it, and Necromaster is gonna sound great on my resume.
  • ThePredator1001ThePredator1001 Member Posts: 1,048 ★★★★
    I agree, she hulk was my mvp as well, Guilly and Thanos were tied for second most used. The necropolis challenge was actually very fun and one of my lowest revives necro runs.
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,665 ★★★★★

    Solo kn first try, with 100 necro charges left
  • Dr. CrabDr. Crab Member Posts: 701 ★★★
    edited January 10
    @captain_rogers nice dude, I almost got the solo on her too but didn’t get the ramp up fast enough before the timer went out.

    Honestly dude, like Deathless Thanos is definitely a better champ but I feel like as far as MCoC goes, I’ve probably bonded with Deathless She-Hulk more than I ever will with Deathless Thanos. He was definitely the prize but I definitely think this is one of those, its not the end but the friends we made along the way kind of things. Really shocked how much I appreciate her now.
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,665 ★★★★★
    Dshe hulk has a very smooth playstyle, and lot of control over the fight by forcing AI to throw specials. She removes the rng aspect that limited normal she hulk potential, just a well designed champ. Also great on utility side with heal and power reversal.
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,191 ★★★★★

    @captain_rogers nice dude, I almost got the solo on her too but didn’t get the ramp up fast enough before the timer went out.

    Honestly dude, like Deathless Thanos is definitely a better champ but I feel like as far as MCoC goes, I’ve probably bonded with Deathless She-Hulk more than I ever will with Deathless Thanos. He was definitely the prize but I definitely think this is one of those, its not the end but the friends we made along the way kind of things. Really shocked how much I appreciate her now.

    Awesome comment!
  • OdachiOdachi Member Posts: 1,145 ★★★★
    Is she hulk the best one to sink those 40 deathless sig stones or save for Thanos?
  • Emilia90Emilia90 Member Posts: 3,716 ★★★★★
    edited January 10
    Odachi said:

    Is she hulk the best one to sink those 40 deathless sig stones or save for Thanos?

    I’d say put them all into Thanos. He really really benefits from high sig and he kinda feels like an entirely different champ cause of how much uptime you have. She-Hulk has a nice ability that gets some more potency but not really anything you’d need desperately
  • DeaconDeacon Member Posts: 4,329 ★★★★★
    my solo death count for Death Jen! she was so satisfying to play with a full Deathless team.

    Britain (mistakenly went in with her instead of Vision but somehow she was reverse immune too lol)

    my solo death count for the others:

    Aarkus - Deathless Guilly
    Sam Wilson - Deathless Groot
  • Dr. CrabDr. Crab Member Posts: 701 ★★★
    @Odachi Mine is I think somewhere at Sig 120, which I don’t know how beneficial that’s really going to be. I did it as a type of appreciation for her but only after I sig’d Deathless Thanos to max. He is just…what you imagine a Thanos character to be at max level. Especially for things like battlegrounds and boss fights and, honestly whatever you want to blow that instant armor shatter at sig 200. Really just feels like an ace up your sleeve.
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