Best suggestion for taking on Act 6

DFreshDFresh Member Posts: 3
edited January 11 in Strategy and Tips
Trying to find best combo to take on Act 6.
I will post current roster.


  • Darthbane3141Darthbane3141 Member Posts: 754 ★★★
    edited January 12
    I'm sorry to be harsh, but with that roster you should have absolutely no trouble getting through act 6, or anything after for that matter. My recommendations are master playing Onslaught, rank up Mr. Sinister and Kate Bishop, and watch MCOC Encyclopedia, he'll help you through all the act content. Use boosts if you still need help.
  • JRyder13JRyder13 Member Posts: 44
    Yeah your roster should be fine check out mcoc noob he has good tutorials and your ghost should be useful for parts
  • ChrisPowellChrisPowell Member Posts: 159
    Your mains will probably be hulkling, onslaught, isosphene, Kate, sinister, moleman, prof x, venom.

    The one thing you're missing is a good power control champ. I'd suggest using iDoom for now and replacing him with Chavez, doom, Mr fantastic, or similar when you have a chance.
  • ViperOfChampionViperOfChampion Member Posts: 128
    Bro I'm paragon and almost valiant and u would roll me in bgs(if u don't know how to play against enchantress gl against my 6* r1 enchantress) LOL
  • DFreshDFresh Member Posts: 3

    Bro I'm paragon and almost valiant and u would roll me in bgs(if u don't know how to play against enchantress gl against my 6* r1 enchantress) LOL

    I actually enjoy BGs more than any content on the game. I haven't really bothered with quests. Just thought to do it now...
  • DFreshDFresh Member Posts: 3

    I'm sorry to be harsh, but with that roster you should have absolutely no trouble getting through act 6, or anything after for that matter. My recommendations are master playing Onslaught, rank up Mr. Sinister and Kate Bishop, and watch MCOC Encyclopedia, he'll help you through all the act content. Use boosts if you still need help.

    Thanks so much. Just ranked hukling to level 5 and kate to level 4. Been using onslaught for side quests to get a hang of him. Also want to learn Kate properly as well.
    Thanks and you were not harsh.
  • PickL1e89PickL1e89 Member Posts: 55
    You have lots of top champs. What u have is more than enough. I complete act 6 with 6r3 and 5r5 champs. Nick fury sinister Prof x onsloght
  • CrawfordsCrawfords Member Posts: 4
    you should be able to do it with that roster, i just reach TB on my sec account with bad champs
  • JKNJKN Member Posts: 24
    Your roster is more than enough for act 6 and 7! You have a diverse amount of champions.
  • Rhyperior464Rhyperior464 Member Posts: 1
    I just finished 6.1.6 the other day, and I would love to have a roster like yours, I think you can easily get TB and paragon with this
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