He’s decent - relies heavily on building combo and his Physical Vulnerabilities don’t last long enough, that’s really the thing holding him back from being great in my opinion
Just pulled him and with the rank up deals took him to r2 and now trying to learn him. Can’t hate too much on a champ that willpower heals all day. KP4life!
I kind of like him, he has some interesting things in his kit, and he was an amazing Cassie counter for the recent AoA (or whatever one it is right now). I'm hoping that his rework is good as my Christmas titan nexus was either more sigs on leader, awaken patriot or awaken bwdo. Gambled that his buff will be worth it.
Yeah, I don’t know, I think OG Sam is probably gonna be the goat of his appearances. Honestly kind of super disappointed about that. I opened up like 6 Titans over the last month just hoping for one Scream, and I think I got two Arcades (third total) two Patriots, a Leader and an Enchantress which admittedly I really did want, but still just kind of disappointing.
He’s decent - relies heavily on building combo and his Physical Vulnerabilities don’t last long enough, that’s really the thing holding him back from being great in my opinion
Plus his utility just isn’t really there, it’s made to counter Photon but he can’t really extend to other defenders.