Help me beat up Grandmaster!

FaybrnFaybrn Member Posts: 1
Hey all - just like the title says, I want to beat Grandmaster ASAP and get the good old school event reward, but I dont know who to use against him! Ive really been struggling.


Any suggestions?


  • ViperOfChampionViperOfChampion Member Posts: 127
    edited January 13
    Onslaught can parry the grandmaster and also bring a lot of units, I bought the exploration pack cause they were cheap and help me beat the grandmaster, doom is overall the best pick as I have heard.(I used a couple of revives and a 5* doom sig 160)
  • LokxLokx Member Posts: 1,570 ★★★★
    u can use mister sinister or juggs for the reverse control phase.
  • Darthbane3141Darthbane3141 Member Posts: 754 ★★★
    The grandmaster is really just about your knowledge and experience of the fight, but you should use a reverse control immune for phase 3. I just did the fight on my alt, and it was a million times easier because I've done it before.
  • PickL1e89PickL1e89 Member Posts: 55
    Make sure you have plenty of revives and team revives before you fight him. I did it with 6 team revives 0 single revives used and 0 units spent. I had to use hulk with overseer synergy for the reverse part.
    Learn the fight. Be patient but also confident with the combat and mechanics. You'll get him down
  • Sunstar19Sunstar19 Member Posts: 273 ★★
    The challenging yet fun part is to know what actions to take when he throws special one. Did not realize until recently you can see the colors below his health bar after he rolls his dice. Most difficult is 3rd phase reverse controls so make sure you bring a champ with immunity for reverse controls
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