here is my team for necro mutant challenge. Should i replace prof x with a white mags instead or keep this team? Any other suggestions will help. Onslaught is r3, prof r1, sinister and storm r2, and apoc r4.
As above, you can do the whole path with those two.
However, Apocalypse does have his uses: 1 - can make Onslaught a Horseman 2 - is a decent Evade counter, since you can ramp that ability up predictably on this path. 3 - has the handy stun-through-block ability, to give openings for Heavy attacks.
Whilst Sinister is immune to reversed controls, Apocalypse doesn't have to worry about them for Captain Britain either, as he prevents her from Purifying any debuffs. No Purify = no Prowess and no Reversed Controls.
Personally, I ramped Apoc up against Hit-Monkey so that he had 100% Evade shutdown; recharged his Prowess on Cap Britain (after making Onslaught a Horseman) and then with his stun-through-block ability he was actually my MVP against Psycho-Man; as he could easily throw Heavies on demand, and shut down the Evade node.
Also: if you have an Awakened Colossus, he's brilliant for Air-Walker: just remember to knock him down regularly, and block the final hit of SP1s.
here is my team for necro mutant challenge. Should i replace prof x with a white mags instead or keep this team? Any other suggestions will help. Onslaught is r3, prof r1, sinister and storm r2, and apoc r4.
Honestly, if you have Stryfe, I would bring him instead of Storm. Not only can he be used too, but he makes Apoc a monster. But, Onslaught and Sinister can do the path on their own.
Unless you're good at using Prof X, I would only bring him if you are planning to make Storm a horseman as his other synergies don't really make much of a difference. Horseman Storm is pretty great, and the damage bump to her shocks with the Prof X synergy is really nice.
But.... there is no need to have Onslaught AND Mister Sinister AND Storm. They all do fairly similar things (stack debuffs) so at most I would only bring two out of the three, and have the third there be a synergy partner or a completely different type of champion.
Side note: For Magneto House of X, his passive stun prefight doesn't help Onslaught nor Mister Sinister since they are neither metal nor heroes.
Storm is unnecessary. Take cable instead his synergy is helpful. Wags help against psychoguy
How does he helps on psycho man fight? (If I am using onslaughted as main attacker). I only have onslaught as high ranked.
Psycho man'ss aar is not passive, he have to apply concussions everytime you perform his box actions, and magneto'magneto's magnetize will occasionally fails these concussions. He also doesn't have strict rotation like onslaught so you can play around his box missions.
so im deciding that i will replace storm with stryfe who is sig 20 r1 and maybe r5 ascend apoc. will that a better team?
I took Apoc to r5Asc for this path, and he was great. One revive for Captain Britain because of the enrage timer; and as I said above, the MVP for Psycho-man because he can easily do the actions required, like landing Heavy attacks.
However, Apocalypse does have his uses:
1 - can make Onslaught a Horseman
2 - is a decent Evade counter, since you can ramp that ability up predictably on this path.
3 - has the handy stun-through-block ability, to give openings for Heavy attacks.
Whilst Sinister is immune to reversed controls, Apocalypse doesn't have to worry about them for Captain Britain either, as he prevents her from Purifying any debuffs. No Purify = no Prowess and no Reversed Controls.
Personally, I ramped Apoc up against Hit-Monkey so that he had 100% Evade shutdown; recharged his Prowess on Cap Britain (after making Onslaught a Horseman) and then with his stun-through-block ability he was actually my MVP against Psycho-Man; as he could easily throw Heavies on demand, and shut down the Evade node.
Also: if you have an Awakened Colossus, he's brilliant for Air-Walker: just remember to knock him down regularly, and block the final hit of SP1s.
But.... there is no need to have Onslaught AND Mister Sinister AND Storm. They all do fairly similar things (stack debuffs) so at most I would only bring two out of the three, and have the third there be a synergy partner or a completely different type of champion.
Side note: For Magneto House of X, his passive stun prefight doesn't help Onslaught nor Mister Sinister since they are neither metal nor heroes.