Who I level up

Dragon_23Dragon_23 Member Posts: 1
edited January 15 in Strategy and Tips

So I just beat 6.3.6 cap iw and I’m not the best player I’m very average. Im just wondering who to level up going into 6.4 I have no awakening gems and I have pretty good 6stars and 7stars but idk who has better utility



  • Darthbane3141Darthbane3141 Member Posts: 754 ★★★
    Is there any way you can get an awakening gem for Nick Fury? Rank up Doom, learn to use your seven stars, and rank up Deadpool
  • PickL1e89PickL1e89 Member Posts: 55
    Dr doom nick fury magneto. Prof x or wiccan will be useful for 6.4.6
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