I took a break from the game while the game felt kinda dead, now…

I’ll have to spend a minimum of 35k units, in order to get all 5 7* deathless champs.
I know there was a post from Crashed saying there would be something to earn the missing pieces, but is there an ETA on this?
I really REALLY don’t want to have to spend that much, if I don’t absolutely have to. (In order to finally get a legends banner under my username)
I know there was a post from Crashed saying there would be something to earn the missing pieces, but is there an ETA on this?
I really REALLY don’t want to have to spend that much, if I don’t absolutely have to. (In order to finally get a legends banner under my username)
I say this as a person who missed out on all Deathless champs as well. They aren't needed. They are trophies, and you have unlimited time to obtain them.
Also, I have one already and almost 2 of them total. I guess I should’ve worded this post a bit better. I do appreciate your input though, you’re definitely right- but for me personally; I’m too much of a “pay to pimp” player. Lmao
I also have two pieces of both 7* DKG, and Guillotine. So, 5k x 3= 15k, I’d have to do that two times for the rest of the pieces for DKG and Guillotine- so that would then equal 30k.
Add on the final piece I’d need for vision, and that adds another 5k units.
So, 35k units is indeed the minimum I’d need to acquire the others I don’t have.
But if i were you, i would wait for something more reasonable to get deathless pieces and ignore them for now.
Have a lovely weekend.
So actually, I have 3 for her.
Kabam will (rightly) give a period of exclusivity to those who grinded the entire deathless team. We’ll have to be patient and hope we see something later this year.
As an aside though, I will say, the full Deathless Team is just fantastic and my favorite team in the game. I truly hope they have a place they can shine in the future.