pls don’t get rid of these incursion hacks

kvirrkvirr Member Posts: 1,627 ★★★★★
I can’t begin to tell you how much I’m loving this round of incursions, it’s one of the most fun I’ve had in this game, I love using silk with specific hacks, it’s incredible, I was actually able to complete a zone 25 s6 all by myself with silk alone at r1, so much fun, with the right hacks ( impact purge, second chance, toxic siphon, and tide of combat with heimdall so you can tank 2 sp3 incase you mess up ) silk is unstoppable, she can stun lock infinitely, while gaining furies, and if they do get a sp3, you can take it to the face not once, but 2 times.

super strong, and I’m loving this round of incursions, pls make a different mode or something with all past incursion hacks, it doesn’t have to have rewards, it can be for pure fun ( me asking won’t have any affect, but I would like for the game team to take this into thought )
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