Arena idea

ChapmanChapman Member Posts: 20
There have been a lot of calls for a long time to revamp arena and buff rewards that have been met with response from Crashed (I believe) saying if the arena rewards are buffed they have to be taken from somewhere else, ultimately meaning another area will receive a rewards nerf and in the current state of the game and a lot of the communities feelings, this would be a really bad move!!!

SO, what I've been thinking recently is something like a quality of life addition to arenas that would increase participation without touching rewards quota or affecting individual agendas for arena:

1) Firstly, I know this would be a sore change and it's not going to happen at this point of transition but make express fill a thing for everyone. Take it out of the sigil and give everyone access to it.

2) A lot of summoners don't participate in arena because of the time allocation and the grind so my suggestion is:

Once a milestone is reached it resets any cooldown period that is left on any champs in that arena meaning you can go straight back in with your top champs once a milestone is achieved. Once all milestones are achieved, cooldowns are back to lasting full duration.

Anyone wanting to put up massive scores for champs is going to do it anyway, this change would simply mean their score would
be reached sooner and/or would just be higher than it would have been but all summoners in this category have the same
opportunities and while there would be a change in structure it wouldn't cause a massive advantage/disadvantage to anyone.

Anyone just chasing milestones wont have to slog out for hours and hours on end to reach milestones they can just get into
arena, get the milestones and get what they came for much quicker, providing a much more fluid and enjoyable experience and
allowing more time for other content participation.

Anyone who doesn't play any arena because they feel they don't have the time would be more compelled to participate and they
would then move up into the milestones chasers category because, again, the experience would flow much better, would be more
enjoyable and wouldn't take up hours on end of their gameplay time.

Yes, it would change the structure but it seems to be a balanced shift of structure allowing summoners the same opportunity to complete whatever they are setting out to achieve from arena.
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