7* AG question

Wolf911Wolf911 Member Posts: 976 ★★★★
I got cosmic AG after carina’s challenges

don’t have serpent don’t know if I will get him soon

I have sig 200 thanos

also have total 210 generic sig stones

who would be better choice or should I save the gem and use sigs on someone else?

cosmic options

rank 3 - adam
rank 2 - brb gladiator venom
rank 1 - angela vox


  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 12,078 ★★★★★
    I'll say don't awaken any of these champs but pump stones on adam if he's already awakened.
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 12,078 ★★★★★
    Or just use sig stones on other class champs who need it, like domino photon shocker.
  • Wolf911Wolf911 Member Posts: 976 ★★★★

    Or just use sig stones on other class champs who need it, like domino photon shocker.

    domino already maxed

    photon not duped

    no shocker
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 12,078 ★★★★★
    They aren't the only ones. There are bunch of champs who need max sig. Or just sig up the one you like a lot.

    I max sigged starky even though he doesn't need it, cuz he is just insane.
  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,226 ★★★★★
    Cosmic is the worst class for gems, this is why i told people not to dupe their maestros in case they end up with Cosmic gem
  • Wolf911Wolf911 Member Posts: 976 ★★★★
    Polygon said:

    Cosmic is the worst class for gems, this is why i told people not to dupe their maestros in case they end up with Cosmic gem

    I chose titan nexus and am glad I did got enchantress took her to rank 3
  • Wolf911Wolf911 Member Posts: 976 ★★★★

    thanos and dom are max sig

    attuma 105
    kush 80
    ironheart and count 30

    others are 20

    rank 2 options

    guardian 100
    korg 100
    tits 20 ( duped her recently)

    who is best for 110 sigs
  • kvirrkvirr Member Posts: 1,968 ★★★★★
    Angela doesn’t bad if you like her. If not Adam
  • Wicket329Wicket329 Member Posts: 3,752 ★★★★★
    Y’all are wildly sleeping on Angela. She’s a limited pool champion, so unless you’re playing a lot of incursions, she’s very much worth an AG. She is also worth a heavy sig stone investment. Mine is sig 110, which grants her 26% damaging debuff duration reduction, autoblock ability accuracy reduction, and resistance to nullify effects per buff. With the Thor relic on her, that basically just means “get a bar of power and land a crit and you max out all these benefits.” You can get that % above 33% with higher sig, so that it’s basically just “land a crit and you’re damaging debuff immune.”

    Insane damage, incredible utility. One of my most used and favorite champions in the game. Strong recommend for her.
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 12,078 ★★★★★
    Wicket329 said:

    Y’all are wildly sleeping on Angela. She’s a limited pool champion, so unless you’re playing a lot of incursions, she’s very much worth an AG. She is also worth a heavy sig stone investment. Mine is sig 110, which grants her 26% damaging debuff duration reduction, autoblock ability accuracy reduction, and resistance to nullify effects per buff. With the Thor relic on her, that basically just means “get a bar of power and land a crit and you max out all these benefits.” You can get that % above 33% with higher sig, so that it’s basically just “land a crit and you’re damaging debuff immune.”

    Insane damage, incredible utility. One of my most used and favorite champions in the game. Strong recommend for her.

    We won't know how long she'll stay there, so it's highly likely to dipe her via crystals.
  • Cap_MuricaCap_Murica Member Posts: 571 ★★★
    Angela!!! She went to R3 and sig 200 as soon as I awakened her.
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 12,078 ★★★★★
    If I were you I'll put sigs on attuma. He is scary for sure at max sig.
  • Wicket329Wicket329 Member Posts: 3,752 ★★★★★

    Wicket329 said:

    Y’all are wildly sleeping on Angela. She’s a limited pool champion, so unless you’re playing a lot of incursions, she’s very much worth an AG. She is also worth a heavy sig stone investment. Mine is sig 110, which grants her 26% damaging debuff duration reduction, autoblock ability accuracy reduction, and resistance to nullify effects per buff. With the Thor relic on her, that basically just means “get a bar of power and land a crit and you max out all these benefits.” You can get that % above 33% with higher sig, so that it’s basically just “land a crit and you’re damaging debuff immune.”

    Insane damage, incredible utility. One of my most used and favorite champions in the game. Strong recommend for her.

    We won't know how long she'll stay there, so it's highly likely to dipe her via crystals.
    We have no information and therefore this thing we don’t know about is highly likely? That logic doesn’t follow. If we don’t know something, then we can’t draw *any* conclusions, but you are drawing conclusions.

    It is also inaccurate, as Crashed has said previously that they have no plans on changing the Loyalty or Incursions pools anytime soon, and that if they do decide to change them the players will be given ample notice beforehand.

    OP, Angela is worth an awakening gem and sigs. Doesn’t need to go to sig 200, 110 has been fine for me.
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 12,078 ★★★★★
    Wicket329 said:

    Wicket329 said:

    Y’all are wildly sleeping on Angela. She’s a limited pool champion, so unless you’re playing a lot of incursions, she’s very much worth an AG. She is also worth a heavy sig stone investment. Mine is sig 110, which grants her 26% damaging debuff duration reduction, autoblock ability accuracy reduction, and resistance to nullify effects per buff. With the Thor relic on her, that basically just means “get a bar of power and land a crit and you max out all these benefits.” You can get that % above 33% with higher sig, so that it’s basically just “land a crit and you’re damaging debuff immune.”

    Insane damage, incredible utility. One of my most used and favorite champions in the game. Strong recommend for her.

    We won't know how long she'll stay there, so it's highly likely to dipe her via crystals.
    We have no information and therefore this thing we don’t know about is highly likely? That logic doesn’t follow. If we don’t know something, then we can’t draw *any* conclusions, but you are drawing conclusions.

    It is also inaccurate, as Crashed has said previously that they have no plans on changing the Loyalty or Incursions pools anytime soon, and that if they do decide to change them the players will be given ample notice beforehand.

    OP, Angela is worth an awakening gem and sigs. Doesn’t need to go to sig 200, 110 has been fine for me.
    That's what I meant as well. She'll stay on Inc pool for atleast few months, so it's easier to dupe in small pools.
  • Wicket329Wicket329 Member Posts: 3,752 ★★★★★

    Wicket329 said:

    Wicket329 said:

    Y’all are wildly sleeping on Angela. She’s a limited pool champion, so unless you’re playing a lot of incursions, she’s very much worth an AG. She is also worth a heavy sig stone investment. Mine is sig 110, which grants her 26% damaging debuff duration reduction, autoblock ability accuracy reduction, and resistance to nullify effects per buff. With the Thor relic on her, that basically just means “get a bar of power and land a crit and you max out all these benefits.” You can get that % above 33% with higher sig, so that it’s basically just “land a crit and you’re damaging debuff immune.”

    Insane damage, incredible utility. One of my most used and favorite champions in the game. Strong recommend for her.

    We won't know how long she'll stay there, so it's highly likely to dipe her via crystals.
    We have no information and therefore this thing we don’t know about is highly likely? That logic doesn’t follow. If we don’t know something, then we can’t draw *any* conclusions, but you are drawing conclusions.

    It is also inaccurate, as Crashed has said previously that they have no plans on changing the Loyalty or Incursions pools anytime soon, and that if they do decide to change them the players will be given ample notice beforehand.

    OP, Angela is worth an awakening gem and sigs. Doesn’t need to go to sig 200, 110 has been fine for me.
    That's what I meant as well. She'll stay on Inc pool for atleast few months, so it's easier to dupe in small pools.
    But only if you’re playing an extreme amount of incursions, which is what I originally said. It takes a long time to build up enough artifacts to crack open that crystal. So even if it is a 1 in 6 chance, if you’re only getting like four or five of those a year, those aren’t great odds.
  • mgj0630mgj0630 Member Posts: 1,178 ★★★★
    edited January 16
    As others have said, this is the way:

    And while I would agree that she doesn't necessarily need the max sig, it is great to have. I like to run her with Odin prefights whenever possible, especially in AW. With that, she starts every fight with 4 buffs, effectively making her immune to DoT effects. And she just wrecks annoying defenders with auto-block mechanics. Eat 💩 MODOK!
  • Cap_MuricaCap_Murica Member Posts: 571 ★★★
    You don't even need Odin pre-fights if she is at max sig. Equip her with the Thor relic and she starts with a single buff. A couple of heavies at the start of the fight and she'll reach 3 buffs easily.
  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,226 ★★★★★
    edited January 16

    If I were you I'll put sigs on attuma. He is scary for sure at max sig.

    His sig scales very poorly so i left mine at sig 100. Its already a 170% chance at that. Adding 60 sigs only adds like 20% more
  • The_0wenpusThe_0wenpus Member Posts: 299 ★★★
    What % of necropolis have you done?
  • Agent_TAgent_T Member Posts: 277 ★★
    Give it to Angela and watch her just shred through things with little to no care such as hazard nodes and pesky heavy DOT inflicting champs. Also the bypassing of autoblock and nullifying… she’s a phenomenal champ and I’m envious of your dilemma
  • Wolf911Wolf911 Member Posts: 976 ★★★★
    I am very much considering angela

    after arcade buff he’s become a menace on defense and a high sig angela counters everything in his kit
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