Good idea about percentages in health bar.. maybe instead of percentages, you could just count down life , ex. 12,546/12,546, 12,000/12,546, 10,000/12546...
Yeah this is a terrible idea man, sorry but for reals.
The descriptions are all about % so why would you wanna change that? e.g. Elektra gains crit rating etc when either her or the opponent have under 30% health, I dont wanna work out what 30% of x health is for every battle & I dont wanna have to just randomly guess judging by how full the bar is either which is still what we would have to rely on if Kabam used your idea (so tgere would be no difference from before). On top of that, % is most widley used in health bars in games like this really, think of Dragon Ball Z, Tekken, etc?
The descriptions are all about % so why would you wanna change that? e.g. Elektra gains crit rating etc when either her or the opponent have under 30% health, I dont wanna work out what 30% of x health is for every battle & I dont wanna have to just randomly guess judging by how full the bar is either which is still what we would have to rely on if Kabam used your idea (so tgere would be no difference from before). On top of that, % is most widley used in health bars in games like this really, think of Dragon Ball Z, Tekken, etc?