Thoughts about Champions for 2025



  • WednesdayLengthWednesdayLength Member Posts: 2,276 ★★★★
    Buttehrs said:

    WM should definitely be science. So too Red Ghost.

    I feel like red ghost would be skill
    He should be science. He got his powers the exact same way fantastic four did.
    I just think as far as using his apes to attack falls more into skill
  • WednesdayLengthWednesdayLength Member Posts: 2,276 ★★★★

    Updated my forecast after Jean's synergies.
    Arnim Zola/ Joaquin Torres
    Jean Grey/Bastion
    Lumatrix/Dark Phoenix (pass or trophy)
    Elena Belova/ US Agent
    Mistique/Madeleine Pryor
    Franklin Richards/Shalla-Ball
    Blue Marvel/Idol
    Mr. Knight/Spider-Woman
    ???/Agatha Harkness
    confused about the second character of November. I don't know what to put with Agatha. originally there was an RSH

    Still feel like this is really coping.
  • BowTieJohnBowTieJohn Member Posts: 2,507 ★★★★
    Where have you seen the synergy? Is is in the Deep Dive video or is from a content creator? Just curious. I thought I had read something recently of Wonderman as a mutant. I may have misread and will correct on my prediction diagram. Thank you for further discussion.

    I will also look more into Red Ghost, but felt his control of his Super Apes could fit in, but also see him being science as well.
  • BowTieJohnBowTieJohn Member Posts: 2,507 ★★★★
    Xleb said:

    Correct Blue Marvel's class type. Still just keep wondering if there is a better prediction for going in September along with Mr. Knight. Will update when and if something comes to mind.

    I think we should start by identifying potential participants in the synergy "from The Ashes" at Jean's. I think it could be either Madelyne Pryor, or Hope, or Rachel Summers. But we only need to choose one, which may join this year, so
    I just found the synergy you were mentioning. That is an interesting synergy and like your thoughts of who could fit that.

    Definitely want to review some of things you all mentioned and want to seriously assess my predictions. Thank you for those engaging. In December we shall all get to look back at this thread and see what happened, where we got things correct and where we got things incorrect. More importantly it will be interesting to see who else will join the contest in 2025.
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,062 ★★★★★

    Buttehrs said:

    WM should definitely be science. So too Red Ghost.

    I feel like red ghost would be skill
    He should be science. He got his powers the exact same way fantastic four did.
    I just think as far as using his apes to attack falls more into skill
    He's the main focus tho. Not his apes. Tho his apes got their skills the same way he did. Experiment. Red ghost himself has abilities besides commanding the apes. He can become intangible. Similar to Ghost.
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