Plz kabam buff daredevil again

I know I get made fun of for making multiple posts asking for this so I don’t wanna hear it but with born again coming out in a couple months, now would be the perfect time to buff DDHK again. His initial buff was just so bad, and I have a fully maxed 6* and he’s a complete noodle. I don’t think he needs another overhaul cause the blueprint of what he has is good, but his playstyle and rotation/ managing combo isn’t worth it in the end. And since kabam is clearly no stranger now to multiple buffs for champions: Deadpool x, Luke cage, ebony maw, gamora had 3 buffs. Think most people will say he’s easily the most disappointing overhaul buff. He just needed a little more time in the oven and I think a few simple changes would fix him.
1: start the fight with 2 cleanse passives so we can use suicides
2: give him permanent rage debuffs to ramp damage like kingpin to stack 5-7 (and remove the -5% potency per debuff)
3: have the instant bleeds from righteous wrath be 100% but can lower its damage a little
4: increase regen rate to match kingpin from 40-50%
5: (optional) his base crit rate could be a little higher but could test it to see
This is just a nitpick I can take or leave but a new character model would be nice. His 2015 costume wasn’t anyones favorite and it shouldn’t be hard to update to the born again suit. I’d hope for a response from a dev cause I’m not gonna get over how they did my boy dirty
1: start the fight with 2 cleanse passives so we can use suicides
2: give him permanent rage debuffs to ramp damage like kingpin to stack 5-7 (and remove the -5% potency per debuff)
3: have the instant bleeds from righteous wrath be 100% but can lower its damage a little
4: increase regen rate to match kingpin from 40-50%
5: (optional) his base crit rate could be a little higher but could test it to see
This is just a nitpick I can take or leave but a new character model would be nice. His 2015 costume wasn’t anyones favorite and it shouldn’t be hard to update to the born again suit. I’d hope for a response from a dev cause I’m not gonna get over how they did my boy dirty
Punisher and King Pin too
And Echo as new champ
The problems with his kit are well known, and can be reduced down into one simple statement. Most of the time, the juice isn't worth the squeeze.
I'd like to see something, a minor buff to at least alleviate the main issues, then maybe release him as a 7* like they did for Iron Man.
@Chobbly !
@MegaSkater67 !
I summon thee!....
I think there's a risk with using Kingpin as a point of comparison. Kingpin's Rage debuffs have an indefinite duration until he hits 8 debuffs. Daredevil's Rage debuffs are much more fleeting especially when switching modes. It may seem an easy comparison but it's misleading given how different the Rage debuffs are used.
Here's what I said in the other thread, a very controlled way to deal with the Regen Rate issue by making the fix part of the Sig ability, and Attacker only: The other main issue is damage. This is my latest thoughts, along a similar line:
Always Active
If Daredevil (Hell's Kitchen) is the Attacker, the first Precision, Fury and Cruelty Buff that he gains during a fight has an indefinite duration.
Why Attacker only for both? The reason is that by making it Attacker only nothing else in the game needs to be changed.
Existing nodes, places where DDHK is a defender will work exactly as they do now. No defender changes, minimal testing, limited impact. But it will improve his survivability (with investment) and his damage output (not consistent).
This is probably the minimum he needs - could do with more, but the minimum.
The biggest issue for me is the lack of a 7* to be honest. With all the R3s we have now it’s not as often as it once was that you reach for a 6* champ anymore, but he’s still one of my first picks when I look for a skill champ or I’m doing hard content. His utility is still extremely relevant, versatile and easy to use. Then there’s his damage, which in my opinion, is and always was very decent. He’s not a 30 second nuke in BGs but it’s at least very respectable, he can hit some nice numbers and get some solid bleeds going with little effort. Throw in some synergies like peni and it gets even better. He’s still a top skill champ as far I’m concerned.
Being honest though @MegaSkater67 , if they did increase his Regen Rate, some Bleed resistance or something else, I guess you wouldn't mind/object too much?