Act 7 assistantance

Hello, I'm currently a thronebreaker and would really like some advice on how to tackle act 7. I know that a lot of players have had a lot of fun In act 7, and also a lot a trouble b/c of Gwenmaster, Kang, and Kang once again.
Currently on act 7.1.2 and would appreciate any tips! Thanks! 👍
My current team
6* rank 4 sunspot sig ability unlocked
7* rank 1 Elsa Bloodstone
6* rank 4 Ant man(future) sig ability unlocked
7* rank 1 The destroyer
6* rank 3 Hulkling sig ability unlocked
Currently on act 7.1.2 and would appreciate any tips! Thanks! 👍
My current team
6* rank 4 sunspot sig ability unlocked
7* rank 1 Elsa Bloodstone
6* rank 4 Ant man(future) sig ability unlocked
7* rank 1 The destroyer
6* rank 3 Hulkling sig ability unlocked