Trader’s outpost update

Hello! Not trying to be a beggar here but would it be possible to update the traders outpost with more relevant materials to purchase please? For a while it was fine but now that mysterium is the primary reward from side quests it would be awesome to get an update. Currently the only useful items (imo) are the t6b and t3a selectors and maybe the iso. Kind of weak for a core content reward.
Just a request! Don’t hate me 😂
Please and thanks!
Just a request! Don’t hate me 😂
Please and thanks!
Only late enough when the new updated rewards become obsolete 1 month after. And let it rot for a couple years. Then repeat the cycle.
I just claim mysterium over the limit most of the time because I really couldnt care less about the store in its current state.
I don't need anywhere near that amount of t2a they offer. I really don't need t2a at all anymore and if I did, I could get it from the glory or bg store instead of being forced to get it with the selector and it going into my overflow with the other 50 sitting in my overflow.
If it’s in the other stores I don’t see why it can’t also be in this store… ratio the quantities to match the difficulty
1. Better ISO acquisition (7-Stars eat up the ISO). also, Selectors are good but I hate spending 5 minutes selecting the class I want. Maybe they need to look into counters where you can just scroll to how many of each class you want, then click open.
2. 7-Star shards limit increased or it's own option.
3. Trickle in a few T4A shards.
4. After 9.2 is released, add 7-Star awakening gem shards.
This is mostly from the Valiant perspective.
I'm sorry you don't feel safe to contribute to the forum without the expectation being mindlessly attacked without reason.
I don’t imagine the store being updated until they actually decided to add a valiant level, but would be nice.
HOWEVER, let me say this:
There are some rewards that are interesting for laidback players. Even as a Valiant I like to open my weekly 6* featured and buy out the gold&ISO offers. It would be a bad idea to take them away and straight up replace them IMHO. If there is a change, I would like it to expand the offers rather than replacing them.
Dr. Zola