Kabam needs to communicate

They can respond to two posts about bans but nothing else. They just respond to clear their own names and leave everything else to rot. We have relevant questions and suggestions but they don’t care and just want their name to be clear
This isn’t me being snarky, you just haven’t provided any detail with which a person reading your post could help.
Secondly, I'm unclear what you want a response on. The last Post I see on your Profile is that you hate NS. What would they offer for that? Perhaps if you clarify what it is you want a response on, it may help.
Also, there are times when there are already responses to questions on the Forum, and sometimes there's nothing else to add. If you do a quick Search, you may find what you need.
If employees CHOOSE to respond, that's great, but it should not be an expectation or a demand and neither should come from someone with 10 posts.
What was your last accounts name on here?