Are Necropolis exploration rewards outdated?

I blunt forced my way through a single run on Lane 1 with a 6r4 awakened Aegon and a bunch of units and revives when 8.4 came out to make Valiant. Fights like the grandmaster are a nightmare for me.
With the new Carina challenges, I keep debating whether it’s worthwhile to try using the deathless and 10-year runs to get through half of exploration or just keep things simple and do Lane 1 again.
The rewards for hours and hours of frustrating work and several months of unit and revive hoarding would be:
- Titan (valuable)
- awakening my America Chavez or Domino with the basic selector (very valuable)
- Maestro (already have a 6r5a sig 200… doubt I’ll invest the resources for a defense only champ with several counters)
- r3 gem (nice but T4A is relatively available now and will become even more so as R4’s enter the game)
- relic crystals (practically worthless)
I’m fairly convinced it’s not worth my time except that I think the deathless teams (especially with a max sig Thanos), would handle the remaining lanes easily enough and it would be fun to use them for their tailored purpose.
With the new Carina challenges, I keep debating whether it’s worthwhile to try using the deathless and 10-year runs to get through half of exploration or just keep things simple and do Lane 1 again.
The rewards for hours and hours of frustrating work and several months of unit and revive hoarding would be:
- Titan (valuable)
- awakening my America Chavez or Domino with the basic selector (very valuable)
- Maestro (already have a 6r5a sig 200… doubt I’ll invest the resources for a defense only champ with several counters)
- r3 gem (nice but T4A is relatively available now and will become even more so as R4’s enter the game)
- relic crystals (practically worthless)
I’m fairly convinced it’s not worth my time except that I think the deathless teams (especially with a max sig Thanos), would handle the remaining lanes easily enough and it would be fun to use them for their tailored purpose.
- Titan (valuable)
- awakening my America Chavez or Domino with
the basic selector (very valuable)
- Maestro (already have a 6r5a sig 200… doubt I’ll invest the resources for a defense only champ with several counters)
6R5A champs are becoming less and less relevant by the month, in half a year they will be "almost" obsolete (apart from occasional SoS-like and everest content), and dupe is available for him
- r3 gem (nice but T4A is relatively available now and will become even more so as R4’s enter the game)
Literally the highest available rank, saves a ton of catalyst, still valuable for 1-2 years
[Edit: okay I know r4s are already here, but you get the point. Highest for the peasants]
- relic crystals (practically worthless)
That's 4/5 relevant rewards, and the path rewards are also nice cherry on top
You can clear all 6 lanes with mostly Aegon actually, 999+ Aegon can finish a fight within minutes
I believe there will be new everest content when kabam want to reward 7* rank 4 gem in future
Look at the past everest content, all the rewards are outdated and no changes has been made
.So, no they won't be "almost obsolete." I think it will be at least another 2 years before that's the case; probably when 7R5s are generally available for average joes like me.
Now they're no longer critical, but remain desirable.
Very much like you, I did one run a year ago; and recently cleared a new lane with ten-year Challengers.
I'm planning to do another new path with Deathless; and also to extend my Gods/Worthy run to a full new path.
That'll leave me just two paths left. If you're working on the Carina's challenges (which is what I'm doing), then given that by far the hardest fight in each of these paths is the last one (Grandmaster) which is the same however you get there, why wouldn't you clear new paths?
The Deathless are certainly flexible enough to cover multiple paths; and like @Squidopus I took the ten-year Challengers on the right hand side; since I've got the left hand paths earmarked for God's/Deathless.
Squid's run:
Rewards are bad if you spend 80-100 revives per run
They are priceless if you can do with 15-30 revives each run,
When Necro first came out, it didn't mattered how many revives and units you wasted because it was exclusive ticket to Valiant.
Now it's not,
So if you can do cheap then good.
You can get something goodies if You know how to play it