Marvel is truly amazing!!! Which of these champs you're most excited to enter Contest?

Awesome old Marvel Heroes roster, but you cant say you dont love π to see their iconic images.
But even within this many heroes, I have find 24 non Mcoc champions.
Now, lets separate....
Chances to enter Mcoc
Sure - Wonder Woman, Ares, Black Knight, Wonderman, Firebird, Quasar ,Firestar and Stingray
Maybe - Swordsman, Starfox, Mockingbird, Captain Brutain, Machine Man, US Agent, Silverclaw
Not sure - Dr. Druid, Justice and Jack of Hearts
I dont believe - Two Gun Kid,Rage, Demolition Man, Forgotten One(Gilgamesh), Living Lightining and Thriatlon.
Do your list and have fun
Calling Forums Mcoc champ expert @Xleb
Sure - Wonder Woman"
I would absolutely die for this sexy Amazon...but unfortunately she's in the DC world π
Maybe Firestar. It would be great to have another flame thrower that's female. Other than her, no other champs interest me since I have everybody that I want.
2 more, I just found in this poster
Hellcat and Crystal ππππππππ€£π€£π€£
Hahahaha oh noooes
Mispelled when typing
Wonderman lol
But, of course you knew was him
Always to me this hero was a mashup of Daredevil and Wolverine ,but only the kit design
Lots more characters I want to see than the majority of those in this picture though.
But , any champ from this image?