Cutting Kabam some slack

So I'm VERY new to this game. I started a month or two ago, I'm on level 33 and I haven't sunked one penny into this game. And ho-ly ****. This "summoner appreciation week" is a dream come true for me. Team revives are easier to get (FINALLY! I'm almost useless in AQ as it is) and I keep running out of gold (JACKPOT!) and I'd do anything to level up faster than I am. It's like Kabam found me specifically and helped me out
HOWEVER!! I completely understand that us "noobs" are a massive minority in this. And I'd go so far as to say that we are not the ones who deserve appreciation, since the real people who need appreciation are the level 60 peeps who have been playing longer than I've been alive and the slightest glitch or bad deal could get them thrown out of their alliance. So I understand that I'm not the one who deserves appreciation in this scenario, but boy do I feel appreciated. Figures crossed that in the next few weeks the rewards will be more tailored towards people at higher levels. (Not to mention a certain button that will be activated in a few days.)
And that has begged the question from me, if you were Kabam, what would you do to appreciate the higher level, more loyal players, without giving the noobs like me too much of an advantage?
HOWEVER!! I completely understand that us "noobs" are a massive minority in this. And I'd go so far as to say that we are not the ones who deserve appreciation, since the real people who need appreciation are the level 60 peeps who have been playing longer than I've been alive and the slightest glitch or bad deal could get them thrown out of their alliance. So I understand that I'm not the one who deserves appreciation in this scenario, but boy do I feel appreciated. Figures crossed that in the next few weeks the rewards will be more tailored towards people at higher levels. (Not to mention a certain button that will be activated in a few days.)
And that has begged the question from me, if you were Kabam, what would you do to appreciate the higher level, more loyal players, without giving the noobs like me too much of an advantage?
You get the game find out you love it with all its complexities and content and gameplay so you start playing more and find you're not even close to as good as you think you are. So you dig in and spend hours each day playing and practicing and trying to get those better champs and leveling them up only to find out your going to have to really open your pocket book to get to even the middling range of players. So you start investing and turn around and realize you've spent over a grand on this game. And as you're going the people making the game keep tweaking it but almost every week there's something else wrong that makes you have to spend more to offset what the game makers are messing up. But you love the game so much you just push through.
Then after months of issues that make you want to smash your tablet you wake up to find you can't even log into the game and you loose almost a whole day of gamete me that messes up hours upon hours of gameplay and sends you your alliance and the global game into absolute chaos.
You'd be furious! Then you realize holy **** for the money I've spent on this game I could have bought a new TV a new xbox 1 and 5 or 6 games all together! And Im not even close to a top spender in this game. Then after all the **** thrown your way they offer you this 4 week thing that barely helps you at all because what they give out doesn't even come close to offsetting the **** you've had to deal with and a lot of it is useless at your level of play. And they want you to be happy. So if that was you what would make you a happy customer again? I would dare say it would take a lot from them to keep you from walking away.
Lol they straight up deleted my request for an AMA
Nice...I'll copy and paste onto your other thread. I think it's a good idea.
A lot of people don't seem to understand, but I ABSOLUTELY understand your outrage, as I said, I am very new to this game, but I am totally sympathetic towards those who have spent a ton of time and money but they can't even log in.
I was just trying to say "even though I'm not the one who needs compensation, their heart does seem to be in the right place." I understand how angry this "reward" has made 90%, but that 10% is pretty happy. And I guess I'm a blind optimist, hoping the rest of the community will get compensation for their undying loyalty
The game is still very much alive and well regardless of the negativity here. A dev posted that over 1 million death buttons have been claimed from the in game mail. That means there are at least 1 million summoners still active enough to check their mail on a regular basis. Compare that to how many users are on these boards at any one time... max I've ever seen was only about 1500.
Yes the bugs have been bad recently, but every game has bugs. Hopefully kabam can do better at bug squashing but the game isn't dying or on the brink of destruction.
Keep playing and having fun. I've been playing for 2 years and I'm still having fun.
Long story short, the Adjustment Packages that were given when 12.0 came out were intended to help people adjust to the nerfs. At that time, a snapshot was taken of every Profile, and the cutoff for the last Tier was 75k. People complained that they were much higher and needed more, so another Tier was added for those 200k and up, and it included a 5* Gem. Since the Adjustment Packages were intended for pre-12.0, they awarded it to people who were 200k before all the changes. People missed out because they weren't at 200k or above when it was taken.