Rank up and awakening tips

PickL1e89PickL1e89 Member Posts: 91
Who should I use awakening gems on?
I've got:
x2 mutant awaken gems
x1 Tech awaken gem
x1 cosmic awaken gem
Is Doom worth a generic?
5star roster below


  • FurrymoosenFurrymoosen Member Posts: 5,409 ★★★★★
    Doom is always worth a generic. I'd probably definitely awaken Medusa and Mr. Sinister as well.
    One question though. What does your 6* roster look like? Honestly, keep playing consistently for a couple more months at you will hardly even be thinking about 5*. So the investment of AGs and sigs becomes irrelevant pretty quickly. At the very least, wherever things overlap between 5* and 6*, focus on the 6*.
  • SpiderVerseSpiderVerse Member Posts: 409 ★★
    edited January 24
    Mutant - Sinister, magneto
    Tech - Hulkbuster
    Cosmic - Medusa
    Generic - Doom? Better be absorbing man or serpent
  • Frumpy_geezerFrumpy_geezer Member Posts: 123
    Doom is indeed worth everything. If you can rank him up he will carry you for a long time. Until you have a decent 6* roster, then with luck you'll get a 6* doom. Watch some videos and learn his rotation. It's not difficult and there are very few fights he cannot do, at your progression probably no fights he cannot do.
  • JackTheSnackJackTheSnack Member Posts: 1,239 ★★★★
    Silk, Onslaught, Sinister, Doom, Photon, Red Mags should get you through A TON of content
  • PickL1e89PickL1e89 Member Posts: 91
    @Furrymoosen 6star roster is very good. I don't have most of these 6star so would like to rank up some purely for utility purposes. Like red magneto obviously Doom is already fully ranked up just not awakened.
    @SpiderVerse @Frumpy_geezer @JackTheSnack thanks for advice
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