Gold 1 to platinum 6 rewards nerf?

My alliance is almost in platinum 6, but I noticed that some of the rewards are actually worse. In gold 1 you get 2 6* nexus and 18k shards, but in plat 6 you get 20k shards and no nexus. As someone that’s chasing 6*s that aren’t 7*s like hulking and Kate bishop I really like those’d nexus crystals. I understand that the cats you get are a lot better, but at least throw in some crystal rewards like 7* shards if you’re going to take out the nexus. I also realize that you get one extra loyalty crystal shatter token, but that’s only worth 1k 7* shards or 1/15 of a loyalty crystal.

You get class Nexus selectors instead of generic Nexus crystals.
I think since it was next to the catalysts and not the crystals I skipped over it thinking it was a catalysts selector.