A.I issue still exists +a message to Kabam

Koustav04Koustav04 Member Posts: 50
I was fighting Kate Bishop using Massacre. Kate was against the wall and holding block. I dashed forward to hit her block to ignite my bat and she dexed it (against the wall) and hit me with a 4 hit combo and a special 2. This should be illegal if Kabam wants this game to survive. Thankfully it was in arena. If this was alliance war, I would have quit the game forever.
Changes to A.I also messed up champ abilities like infuriate and intimidate in more ways than one.

my message to Kabam:

This is a video game (a mobile game at that). It's not suposed to be a second job for us. Not every player is making money by playing MCoC and we don't have enough time to invest to be as good as Swedeah or MSD.

If you want MCoC to be a competitive fighting game like Street Fighter or Tekken, then make it so that with proper skill, every champ can be beaten by every other champ like those games do. Otherwise, don't mess with the A.I. You can increase difficulty through nodes and champ restrictions if you want to. That'll be fine. Just give us the old A.I. back (at least in Arena)
To the best of my knowledge, this is a character collecting game (like pokemon), not a competitive game (like Tekken). If this game wants to survive for another 10 years, it should remain that way.


  • PT_99PT_99 Member Posts: 5,550 ★★★★★
    I still don't understand why Kebem removed old AI in Arena to give us war/BG AI in Arena 💀

    Like come on man, I don't want to face AI who's doing "block no block block no block, sidestep 5 combo intercept, skip frames into special attack, into parry heavy resist stand your ground" in chill relax game mode.

    Like tf is that?

    Arena was place where players could've played however but now AI is crazy over there.
  • Asher1_1Asher1_1 Member Posts: 890 ★★★
    So u got dexed by ai - that's normal
  • Koustav04Koustav04 Member Posts: 50
    Asher1_1 said:

    So u got dexed by ai - that's normal

    You've never actually played a good game in your life and it shows.
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