6.3.6 cap help

JRyder13JRyder13 Member Posts: 45
Are there any good counters to cap other than ghost or any specific strategies to get through the fight?


  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,071 ★★★★★
    It's a little hard to say without knowing your roster but you need a champion that either crits a lot or can control Cap's power. He'll only take damage from critical hits, and he'll only take that damage whenever the protection from Destructive Feedback isn't active. Additionally, Cap will fire off his specials in the order of SP1, SP2 and SP3. It's important to note that, if you for example push him to an SP2 immediately, he'll throw that and then start working towards an SP3, skipping the SP1. So you need to bait out an SP1 first in order to get as much time as possible.

    Some tips:
    * Be very careful with Destructive Feedback. Not only can it reflect the damage back at you which is obviously bad in and of itself, but since it's so tricky to do damage to Cap already, having the damage that you've actually done reflected back at you is just bad all around.
    * Keep in mind that buffs also expire really quickly. That makes thing really tricky since you can't use precision buffs to boost your crit chance (unless they're indefinite).
    * If you've got any champs with guaranteed critical hits, they'll probably be great for the fights. Mole Man, Hit-Monkey, Bullseye, Aegon (if you ramp him up during the quest), Shang-Chi, Mantis, Jabari Panther, OG Black Panther, Corvus Glaive.
    * It might be a good idea to bring Heimdall since he'll save you from getting knocked out once if Cap reaches an SP3.
    * Nick Fury has a synergy with the two Black Panthers that double your champions' crit rating for the first 10 seconds of the fight, as long as Nick is alive. That might be worth looking into if you've got someone who can deliver a lot of damage in a short time but doesn't have guaranteed crits. Someone like Domino?
    * Champs that can tank an SP3 are great. You mentioned Ghost but you've also got Kitty Pryde, Luke Cage, Iceman.

    Hopefully some of these ideas help. Good luck!
  • JRyder13JRyder13 Member Posts: 45
    I have kitty and iceman I’ll try them, thanks for the advice
  • JRyder13JRyder13 Member Posts: 45
    Thanks for the suggestions the quest was hard but Kitty and Corvus got the job done, hopefully chapter 4 is a bit easier
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