Better Investment?

I want to strengthen my squad. It's between rank up both 6* hulkling and CGR to r5 or 7* scream to r3.
I can't do both option in the same time, due to the lacks of t6cc. So, which one you would prioritize? Would you rather having a two powerful proven 6* champion or just one new potential 7* champion? Which one benefit more from a rank up?
I can't do both option in the same time, due to the lacks of t6cc. So, which one you would prioritize? Would you rather having a two powerful proven 6* champion or just one new potential 7* champion? Which one benefit more from a rank up?
Better Investment? 74 votes
As a Valiant, I'm only R5-ing 6s on the following conditions currently (not saying this is a recommendation, just my own decisionmaking process):
(1) I don't need the T6CCs to R3 an elite 7 right now;
(2) I have T2 dust ready to ascend the 6;
(3) The 6 is awakened, benefits from their signature ability, and I can sig 200 them.
However, if you do battlegrounds, that will still help you improve your roster. You can only ban 3 champs after all.
Questing is ok but there is only going to be 5/3/1 slots depending on the mode. Nowadays a high power 7* rank 3 can solo paths easily.
Hope that helps.
But scream just came like few days ago, I saved the catalyst for the duo, initially. The two champs that so useful yet I like to play with even in r4.
Good to know, I like your method. Appreciate it
So yeah, while I'm still trying to use scream, which is apparently so good and so fun, idk if she will carry me better than those two
You're not through act 7 even, so 2 of the best cosmic 6* locked champs will bring you further than one r3 will.
100% focus on Hulking and CGR for now - they'll be more widely useful.
Also, don't bother exploring Act 7 unless you absolutely cannot handle Act 8 - it's just not worth it for the rewards anymore. If you've completed it, go right on to Act 8 - that IS worth exploring still.
But, is it actually really matter to r5? Does is really that difference? Will it boost the damage greatly? While r4 is wonderful enough. Based on Khonsu web, the improvement of 6r4 (ascended) to r5 is around 700 in attack and 8000 in health. While for 7r2 to r3 is around 1200 in attack and around 15000 in health. So, on paper it's around double the potency. It looks like 7r3 is overkill.
Sometimes I saw people said that they will only r5 with a gem, because the 7* needs the catalyst more. You know, the jump of requirements for 6r2 to r3 compared with 6r4 to r5 is a lot. It's obviously the 3 t6cc which always needed in a 7* rank up. 7r2 to r3 costs 5 t6cc, plus 3 t4a.
I knew that r3 7* costs more than r5 a 6* but also boost more in stats (on paper). If we are talking about 6*cgr vs 7*cgr then I would rank the 7 without having a confusion. But now it's not, it's not a pure compare of a 6* rank up vs 7* rank up, it's also about the champ itself. So yeah, both option are great. Continue..
I would rather play bgs which is more fun and giving cool reward such as 7* shard, nexus, and more through the store. I'm usually score 300k per bg season, sometimes 275k, since I can access it. Burn my units for elder marks rather than prepare revive for story. For bgs use, it's actually better having a r4 cgr and hulkling since its rarely got banned.
In tb, I get a lot of things already, last banquet for example, I got a same tier reward as the endgame player. For around 15k units spent, I got 2+ r3s mats.
So yeah, that's why I'm not stating my title because I want to know the pure comparison between those two option, which one would you prioritize? Is it two of dominant, well known, recent top tier or one of exciting, potential, new, and future proof..
I got more votes for scream, maybe that's really the best for me, as I said before, it's also in line with my strategy of playing bgs. But you know, maybe I'm wrong, maybe I need to get paragon first. Thanks for the advice though, it's just a hard decision. Or maybe I should just save my resources when its needed, not having to spend it now when I want
Given you said your focus is mostly BG's, that pushes me even more towards you taking then to r5 over scream to r3.
You say "but at r4 they rarely get banned" but while they sit at r4, your r3 scream is nearly guaranteed to get banned.
The more killer champs you have ranked, the better off you are, they can only ban 3 champs.
So let's say they ban cgr, hulkling and a random defender, that leaves the other 27 champs for you to draft.
But with the r3 scream, they'll ban her, and probably your next 2 nasty champs, and noe you're left with r4 cgr and hulkling to take down their highest ranked and nastiest defenders, which will now take more time due to them being r4.
In the end it's completely up to you, but having 1 threat, versus having multiple threats in BG's is a huge difference.
I'm not a hard pusher, obviously just playing in vt, never reach vibranium, it's too hard. Solo milestone is my goal.
Since my squad is just kinda typical new tb. Just 5 6r4 alongside some kinda mid 7r1, 3 6r3, some 6r2 and 2 7r3. Thats pretty much enough, if I'm not make some mistakes. So it's quite competitive.
But yeah, even then, it's a common things to face a stacked valiant, which is almost guaranteed to lose. Or paragon, or tb with some maxed 6 star and 7r2 which in a lot of time I could handle and make them forfeit.
It's like my opponent always banned my 7r3, silk and two of my 6r4 (my second 7r3 just joined few days ago). Since my max sig Fantman and Kate has higher pi than hulkling and CGR, those two cosmic rarely get banned. Which is a good thing. Hulkling definitely a dual threat, and sometimes CGR can defend too.
Now, that's a good point. Well, basically whoever I picked from both option to rank will eventually get banned, it's more likely scream or hulkling, maybe not for CGR (opponent usually ban a dual threat or potential defender). The thing is hulkling is just too good, not having him available would be a great loss for me. While if I rank my scream so that she get banned, as a sacrifice, I could draft Fantman and Kate which are also great as dual threat and so reliable. And if they still ban my Fantman (this could still happen), I can nuke their defense with my scream lol.
I knew that the ideal way is to only bring minimum of 6r4 alongside 7r2 to the deck, but it's practically impossible for me right now lol. I can't rank up a dozen of champs instantly.