Champs suggestion

Dice_nick20Dice_nick20 Member Posts: 28
Well guys I've just began my valian journey yesterday and I'm at 8.1.5 today.
Just wanted to know if there are any specific champions that I should have in my roster that'd help me throughout the act?


  • Ragnaruk5178Ragnaruk5178 Member Posts: 332 ★★
    Congrats on paragon btw
  • Ragnaruk5178Ragnaruk5178 Member Posts: 332 ★★
    Btw @Dice_nick20, which champs do you main?
  • Darthbane3141Darthbane3141 Member Posts: 980 ★★★★
    Show your roster. Ragnaruk's information on the bosses is correct. You will 100% need unstoppable counters and bleed champions, as there are a lot of those paths in later acts. My MVPs for act 8 were Mr. Sinister, Kate Bishop, Onslaught, Hulk, and Juggs.
  • Dice_nick20Dice_nick20 Member Posts: 28

    Btw @Dice_nick20, which champs do you main?

    Thanks buddy
    I have a r5 Hercules and r4 = bullseye, abs man, hulkling, photon, hulk, sentinel, doom, serpent, kindred, Mr. Sinister
    As for 7* I have a r2 Dani, r1= shocker, medusa, sersi, moondragon, stormX, venomoool
  • Dice_nick20Dice_nick20 Member Posts: 28

    Show your roster. Ragnaruk's information on the bosses is correct. You will 100% need unstoppable counters and bleed champions, as there are a lot of those paths in later acts. My MVPs for act 8 were Mr. Sinister, Kate Bishop, Onslaught, Hulk, and Juggs.

    Well I have a 6* cheelith so should I rank her up?
  • Dice_nick20Dice_nick20 Member Posts: 28

    Show your roster. Ragnaruk's information on the bosses is correct. You will 100% need unstoppable counters and bleed champions, as there are a lot of those paths in later acts. My MVPs for act 8 were Mr. Sinister, Kate Bishop, Onslaught, Hulk, and Juggs.

    This is my roster
    Am I good enough to go or do I need some specific rank ups?
  • Dice_nick20Dice_nick20 Member Posts: 28

    Ok this is from the top of my head, guys please correct me if I’m wrong. Herc destroys the 81 boss easily. Shang chi kingpin zemo and Cheelith( purify/cleanse- has to be instant, so not Nick) for 82. Any cosmic with unique buffs especially Odin galan and venom destroy 83. For 84 any mutant with high special dmage destroys. For 91 it’s about damaging debuffs excepting bleed, so iron heart and lady d are great. Overall, however, champs with good utility. This may sound generic but you will really understand what I mean once you are venturing into the later acts. From my memory a good unstoppable counter is necessary for the later acts so bill, Cheelith and Shang are excellent. Miss/ falter is a problem as well, so onslaught prowler and bullseye are awesome. Auto block isn’t really from my memory, but a Vox would never hurt anyone. Evade, as well, so I’m thinking the likes of prowler Kate and professor x. Also many later acts have a node that reduces true effects by 100 percent so it’s best to have champs who CANNOT be evaded or have access to coldsnap, so professor x, prowler Kate and even aarkus will be invaluable later on. Immunities as well is great. Quite a few bleed/ incinerate risks from my memory so champs like colossus and nefaria, especially nefaria will be invaluable. ESPECIALLY nefaria or some power gain control menace such as Chavez will mean a lot, as I remember there was some node where they gained power a LOT so using nefaria was like having power back boosts. Despite EXTREMELY popular option, doom is in fact very very useful for the later acts, yet more for act 8, as some nodes in act 9 punish mystics from my memory. Also prioritise champs who can deal with dmage such as regen champs like toad or the ultimate debuff punisher, in the form of sinister. Mags will also get you quite far on his own. Champs with extremely high special dmage will save you from a lot, and the best champ for that is obviously professor x. Sorry, a decent amount of this mentions champs I used in the past and like, so I must clarify that the one I hate SILK will help you a huge amount. Hulk’s stun lock will get you out of a lot as well, a decent amount of science champs really and truly will be just excellent for your run. Crossbones could handle the majority as well honestly, but you’ll probably be fine with your current roster. After act 7 your roster should be versatile so honestly, just reading the nodes properly will save you lots of revives, opposed to not having the correct champion.

    Thank you for this amazing and useful information brother
  • Giantwalrus56Giantwalrus56 Member Posts: 1,246 ★★★★
    Check out Mcoc Noob & Mcoc Encyclopedia. Lots of guides out there on different paths & for each specific boss
  • Darthbane3141Darthbane3141 Member Posts: 980 ★★★★
    edited January 28
    MCOC Noob will tell you which kind of champs are best for each quest, I highly recommend his channel. Rank up that Sinister as much as you can, he is insane. Even is he is not recommended on the path, he will probably work. He carried me through act 7, 8, and 9. In response to your Chee'ilth question, yes you should rank her up. Her bleed damage will get you through a lot of paths.
  • Dice_nick20Dice_nick20 Member Posts: 28

    MCOC Noob will tell you which kind of champs are best for each quest, I highly recommend his channel. Rank up that Sinister as much as you can, he is insane. Even is he is not recommended on the path, he will probably work. He carried me through act 7, 8, and 9. In response to your Chee'ilth question, yes you should rank her up. Her bleed damage will get you through a lot of paths.

    Thanks for the suggestion bro
    Really appreciate it
    I guess I'll take cheelith up then
  • Ragnaruk5178Ragnaruk5178 Member Posts: 332 ★★
    Oh you’re very welcome and yes, Cheelith makes a huge difference. Immunity wise, abs man is definetly your best bet. Shocker Medusa and gorr will be excellent as well
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