Falter immunity not triggering?

Went against 8.2.2 Elektra and thought I'd use prowler since his kit lines up with countering the nodes. But for some reason I'm still being faltered when it states that he's immune to falter. His kit doesn't specify falter debuffs so it should include passives as well. Am I missing something?
You know how in the Gwenmaster fight even armour break immune champs will be affected by Armour Break? This is how.
In the pause menu, it will show whether an effect is a Buff/Debuff or a passive. In the screenshot you've put , it shows neither. So Prowler will be affected by it. Is prowler the first Falter immune champ?
Prowler won't be affected by the falters shown above
There was nothing broken when Colossus got and armour break or Coldsnap places on him by Gwenmaster. There was nothing broken when doom got an armour break while facing Gwenmaster.
Gameplay wise, yes, you wouldn't expect this to happen unless there was something mentioned.