Nothing to See here, just my skill issue.

Koustav04Koustav04 Member Posts: 50

This is act 8.4.2 Occult immunity (special punish) path.
Sersi is nullify, stagger, fateseal immune unless I punish her special attacks. If she has 3 or more buffs, her attack rating increases by 25% every 2 seconds. Staying close gives her a fury buff every 3 seconds. Staying away pauses those buffs indefinitely.
I couldn't punish even one of her special attacks. had to brute force my way outta that fight by waiting for her glance to fall off and taking lots of block damage.
To those who are better player than me, tell me what did I do wrong? What should have been done?

my last post was about A.I. issue and most people disagreed with what I had to say. They insinuated A.I. being able to backdraft intercept me against the wall is normal. I was the one at fault. I've come to terms with my incompetence. I'll now learn from you guys.


  • startropicsstartropics Member Posts: 1,201 ★★★★★
    edited January 30
    you can punish her sp1 if you dex her first stomp, immediately rush in, then dex her last attack. there's a good window for it.

  • Koustav04Koustav04 Member Posts: 50

    you can punish her sp1 if you dex her first stomp, immediately rush in, then dex her last attack. there's a good window for it.

    She's not slow like Kindred or Onslaught.
  • startropicsstartropics Member Posts: 1,201 ★★★★★
    Koustav04 said:

    you can punish her sp1 if you dex her first stomp, immediately rush in, then dex her last attack. there's a good window for it.

    She's not slow like Kindred or Onslaught.
    you asked how to punish it and i sent a fight. the window isn't bad and onslaught's is actually tighter.
  • FurrymoosenFurrymoosen Member Posts: 5,387 ★★★★★
    edited January 30
    Koustav04 said:

    you can punish her sp1 if you dex her first stomp, immediately rush in, then dex her last attack. there's a good window for it.

    She's not slow like Kindred or Onslaught.
    If you think the dash in method is easier on Onslaught than Sersi then you're just psyching yourself out of being able to do it. Practice, then go do the fight.
  • captaincushcaptaincush Member Posts: 979 ★★★★
    you could also try a champ with Neutralize, such as Wiccan or Rintrah
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