Hear ye hear ye... there is a spot open.

Looking to replace a retiring member.
We are Adam Warlock's Infinity Watch [AWIW]. Our motto is laid back but not lazy. We have fun playing the game, get stuff accomplished, and don't treat the game as a second job.
AQ: Two BGs of Map 6×4 w/ Raids and one BG of Map 5×4. 5k-5.2k glory weekly and way more during raid weeks.
AW: Consistent gold 3/gold 4 finish each season. Everyone places defense. Fighting is optional. All the benefits and rewards with none of the added stress and obligation.
BGs: Do what you want. As much... as little... I'm not the boss of you. Just qualify for all applicable rewards.
Run your account how you want. Join a group where the game setting is relaxed and fun. We don't take ourselves too seriously and we certainly don't take a mobile game so seriously.
Only 3 requirements are have LINE for comms, join and participate in every AQ, place assigned defenders in AW.
Looking to fill an open spot in our map 5 BG however accommodations can be discussed and worked out if your looking for one step higher.
Mid level account? We'll help you grow and progress. End game account who's burned out or wants to take a step back. Join us for a little stress free MCOCing.
Search and add obsidiman in LINE and let's chat.
If this sounds like something you'd like to learn more about please reach our via LINE. Follow the link to start chatting.