Looking for an MCOC OG!!!!

Our basic ask is 💯 completion/participation in all events and basic communication.
Aw - clear an assigned line through the mini try your best for attack bonus but completion is priority (no spend req) g1/2 so not hard
AQ- clear a path. Map 6 unmodded is easy. 💯 gets raid tickets.(no spend req)
Raids - communicate & play your role, get charges for your line mates. (Spend if needed don’t EVER leave your team stuck.)
BGs - hit your personal milestones and the team will hit top 10% or higher go as high as you like but TRY keepin it over 350k (no spend req)
Banquet and buy in events if you’re OG you know the reality of this game but no one is required to spend. So you better save/grind earn as needed so you can keep up.
We’re all grown, communicate & we can help cover. The ask is an easy daily OGgrind for premium rewards all you gotta do to stay OG is play!

Add me in game on in line captaincaveman73!!
Aw - clear an assigned line through the mini try your best for attack bonus but completion is priority (no spend req) g1/2 so not hard
AQ- clear a path. Map 6 unmodded is easy. 💯 gets raid tickets.(no spend req)
Raids - communicate & play your role, get charges for your line mates. (Spend if needed don’t EVER leave your team stuck.)
BGs - hit your personal milestones and the team will hit top 10% or higher go as high as you like but TRY keepin it over 350k (no spend req)
Banquet and buy in events if you’re OG you know the reality of this game but no one is required to spend. So you better save/grind earn as needed so you can keep up.
We’re all grown, communicate & we can help cover. The ask is an easy daily OGgrind for premium rewards all you gotta do to stay OG is play!

Add me in game on in line captaincaveman73!!