The matchmaking in the victory track is non-existent. They’ll put you against whoever regardless of how strong/weak your account is. Their system for matchmaking only kind of works in the GC around the mid level when the point system actually does what it’s supposed to do and finds opponents within the same range of points to match you against. But then they reset the points at the end of the 4 weeks and dump everyone back into the VT which creates another mad scramble for the first 2-3 weeks of every season where you can get matched against literally anyone. They need to just get rid of the victory track altogether and let the points stay persistent (if not indefinitely than at least a minimum of 3 months to 1 year before resetti
I have played BGs in my both main and alt account. I can tell you that there is still some kind of matchmaking that happens. I did not face that many blubbriest whales in alt that I faced in main. Blubbriest being multiple r3 sig 200 champs.
Just because you are experiencing something one way when you did your garbage experiment of one doesn’t mean it applies to the entirety of the community. The fact that these posts have been a regular occurrence since the modern was introduced is evidence that there is an issue with matchmaking. Speaking from my own personal experience (which is also a garbage experiment of one) I have come across many unwinnable matchups with accounts tha outrank me by a country mile. I am a casual valiant player. I just got my 3rd 7*R3 a few days ago. I have a total of 7 7s at R2. I have three total 6* R5 ascended champs. Half of my deck consists of 6*R4 unascended and 7*R1s. My champion prestige is 19.2K but constantly throughout the VT I get matched with people who are 25 - 27K+ prestige running 20+ 7*R3s in their deck. That should not be happening and as evidenced by the countless other forum posts people have been making and will continue to make, my experience isn’t unique.
Did I say it never happened? I have been getting GC for last 5-6 months on my alt. I couldn't reach it before. For someone with big main account plus years of experience, and to get roadblocked by bigger accounts is not a happy feeling. I have experienced what you are feeling now.
So to get better, I did the content on my alt, got the rankups and progressed. The game will not spoon feed rewards to anyone who wished they wanted nicer things. The only one responsible for your progression is you. It's a learning curve. Every single player have to go though it. And it takes time. Everyone gets outclassed at some point.
The system is there, belive it or not in this garbage experiment. You will hardly match players with 15 sig 200 r3s. My mini account have 14 r3s and 20 r2s now. I had about 6r4s and a 3 7r1 in my VT deck. I did not face the top cream rosters like I did in my main. I faced many full r3 decks, and the average was 4-5 sig 200s. Small margin Matchmaking is there, belive it or not. I reached GC in alt few days ago.
Again, you need to understand that if you want to perform better, you have to progress your account. BG is competitive. You will face anyone in the tier you are in, you both are fighting for same rewards. Why do you want crutches to walk? Your opponent is facing same issues that's why they are in your tier. If you are a casual valiant like you said, why are you expecting non casual top rewards? I need to win right here right now approch is not going to help anybody.
This my loosing streak 8 in a row battleground matches where 2 of them were for point farming i admit it but after that for regular 6 matches i encountered roasters far beyond my level all 7 star rank 3s or ascended champions no less than 25000 pi and my roaster is not as extensive despite being valiant i still have 5 stars in my roaster how is this fair matchmaking ik i take advantage of this too but 6 in a row really and one thing in my observation is it mostly happens with elder mark matchmaking if you go with energy easy opponents mostly thronebreaker all this high end roaster sitting in diamond 5 not even in vibranium and neither i am unable to farm points nor this common or rarity? Have you experienced it as well?
I'm exactly the same and alot of other people are too, ignore the people saying it's a skill issue. I'm paragon and have a decent roster of champs but unless you have very specific champs for that meta you ain't winning a single match. It's biased and unfair and needs to change.
Sorry dude... It's my fault that I invested resources on the required champs. I apologies for this atrocious and unfair bias from kabam. Plz 4gib me
Battlegrounds is supposed to be a gamemode that some people enjoy, but it's not for everyone. This is the case for every game mode. You may like short questing content, but hate long form abyss/necro fights. I don't like incursions, but I'm ok with that. Is there a big difference in reward structure between incursions and BGs? Yes, of course. However, recently the best rewards have been returning to single player content. You won't be left in the dust if Bgs is not for you
yes its really fun. I keep lossing 2 times and win 1 time to keep my low rank and I dont need to fight the 3 matches because the oppenents are doing same as me too. LOLLLL
But it ain’t fun to push further bcos the rewards not really worth it
I have been getting GC for last 5-6 months on my alt. I couldn't reach it before. For someone with big main account plus years of experience, and to get roadblocked by bigger accounts is not a happy feeling. I have experienced what you are feeling now.
So to get better, I did the content on my alt, got the rankups and progressed. The game will not spoon feed rewards to anyone who wished they wanted nicer things. The only one responsible for your progression is you. It's a learning curve. Every single player have to go though it. And it takes time. Everyone gets outclassed at some point.
The system is there, belive it or not in this garbage experiment. You will hardly match players with 15 sig 200 r3s.
My mini account have 14 r3s and 20 r2s now.
I had about 6r4s and a 3 7r1 in my VT deck.
I did not face the top cream rosters like I did in my main. I faced many full r3 decks, and the average was 4-5 sig 200s. Small margin Matchmaking is there, belive it or not. I reached GC in alt few days ago.
Again, you need to understand that if you want to perform better, you have to progress your account. BG is competitive. You will face anyone in the tier you are in, you both are fighting for same rewards. Why do you want crutches to walk? Your opponent is facing same issues that's why they are in your tier. If you are a casual valiant like you said, why are you expecting non casual top rewards?
I need to win right here right now approch is not going to help anybody.
Plz 4gib me
First BG season I had 6 R5s (!!!). Now I got 42 R5s, 13 R2s and 19 R3s to pick from.
I’m still a 💩 player tho, but I get to the GC every season, play 1 fight, and harvest my rewards > rank up new champs, the real eternity of pain.