old champion BUFFS

so as we know KABAM changed how they buff old champs and decided to do complete reworks : one with each saga
starting with Superior Iron Man

Let’s say Nightcrawler was the champ for X-Magica saga ( even though the buff change didn’t start then )
Sup. Iron Man for Arcade Games saga
Mr. Sinister for Glorious Games saga ( even though he was buffed earlier )
Who do you think we will get for DEATHLESS saga? or are we even getting one?
starting with Superior Iron Man

Let’s say Nightcrawler was the champ for X-Magica saga ( even though the buff change didn’t start then )
Sup. Iron Man for Arcade Games saga
Mr. Sinister for Glorious Games saga ( even though he was buffed earlier )
Who do you think we will get for DEATHLESS saga? or are we even getting one?
but he was summoner’s choice rework and it should be separate from saga reworks