6 star awakening gem who should I use it on?

PickL1e89PickL1e89 Member Posts: 55
First 6 star awaken gem is tech. Massive fan of Stark SM. OG IM and 2099 benefit from it too. Shuri is good but doesn't need awakening IMO and don't wanna waste it. They don't come around easy wanted to get some thoughts. Feel free to leave a comment with a vote

6 star awakening gem who should I use it on? 10 votes

Guill 2099
Iron man OG
ManbatnKLZ 2 votes
Stark Spider man
phillgreenBen_15455DRagonKNIght27summerdeer 4 votes
ahmynuts 1 vote
Other/wait for another better tech
ViperOfChampionDarthbane3141BoostComic 3 votes


  • ViperOfChampionViperOfChampion Member Posts: 129
    Other/wait for another better tech
    all of these are 7 *, how many sig stones do u have?
  • PickL1e89PickL1e89 Member Posts: 55
    Don't have easy access to 7 stars yet. With the daily super event I can get plenty of sig stones @ViperOfChampion
  • ViperOfChampionViperOfChampion Member Posts: 129
    Other/wait for another better tech
    I'm just saying wait for a better tech, preferably someone who is 6* locked, but if you wanna use it, use it on stark Spidey.
  • TotemCorruptionTotemCorruption Member Posts: 917 ★★★

    I'm just saying wait for a better tech, preferably someone who is 6* locked, but if you wanna use it, use it on stark Spidey.

    Yeah, ideally you would use it on Fantman if you had him or wait to get him.
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