Who are your potential R4's?

After new gauntlet , we'll have our R4's. Who are you going to take up for each class?
Im going the weird way on mine and its as followed :
Mutant -> Negasonic
Skill -> Moondragon
Science -> Either Mr Negative or DShe-Hulk
Mystic -> Sassy? Or deathless gully
Cosmic -> D thanos seems nice but man a r4 Scream could be fun :O
Tech -> We could do sam falcon or P2099
Im going the weird way on mine and its as followed :
Mutant -> Negasonic
Skill -> Moondragon
Science -> Either Mr Negative or DShe-Hulk
Mystic -> Sassy? Or deathless gully
Cosmic -> D thanos seems nice but man a r4 Scream could be fun :O
Tech -> We could do sam falcon or P2099
Bro kills everything everywhere in BG war and SQ,
Just punches, funny beams and bubbles, nothing else, just pure strength plus also surprisingly good defender??
Kebem did 100% job and very grateful.
For others,
Mutant - onslaught or namor (if mutant awakening gem)
Tech - prowler or warlock
Skill - F this midass class
Mystic - going to hold for chavez or kushala otherwise juggs or sassy not bad
Cosmic - serpent
Science: Joaquin Torres
Tech: Arnim Zola
Mutant: Gentle (or buffed Cyclops)
Mystic: Scarlet Witch
Cosmic: OG Thanos
Skill: Kate Bishop
But after seeing that Falcon hits like a broomstick , ill replace him with Photon or Thing
Mutant: Mr Sinister
Skill: Moleman
Tech: Hulk Buster
Cosmic: Deathless Thanos
Science: Deathless She Hulk
Mystic: White Tiger
Tech: Warlock or Jack o lantern
Mystic: Chavez or Juggs
Skill: Chee'ilth or X bones
Mutant: SInister or Onslaught
Science: Silk or the pig.
Tech.....Iron heart
Mutant....ATM I'd wait...nobody worthy
Skill....Waiting for the inevitable kingpin ....Hell be here in 2025
Mustic Kushala
Cosmic my boy Venom!
Tech/mutant/skill not sure 🙃
Science - Silk, the stun, burst, evade, and smooth
Mystic - Purgatory, the neutralize, class ability, degen, unblock, smooth
Cosmic - Scream, the bleed, armor break, burst, unblock, autoblock
Tech - Guardian, the energy resist, burst, autoblock
Skill - Shang Chi, the stun, cleanse, unblock, burst
Mutant - ??? (I got sinister, Prof X, wags but idk, I like playing Prof X)
Cosmic: Deathless Thanos
Science: Deathless Shehulk
Tech: Ironheart
Mystic: Chavez or Doggo
Mutant: Stryfe or Onslaught
Cosmic: CMM
Science: Silk or Void
Tech: Iron-Man (raids go brrrrr)
Mystic: Sassy
Mutant: Dazzler
I might wait for months and get jean grey as my first r4 if i got her before og guillotine
Skill sable or maybe gwenpool
Tech maybe omega sent not a class i have many r3s in so will see
Cosmic angela scream venom
Science void silk
Mystic tough one this as i love them all but enchantress shathra guilly deathless destroyer chavez
Skill Bullseye
Tech-Try and get Zola or Jack
Mutant-Onslaught or Sinister
Mystic-Idk maybe Chavez or Man thing
Science- Nefaria or Photon
Mutant -> Negasonic
Skill -> Moondragon
Science -> Either Mr Negative or DShe-Hulk
Mystic -> Sassy? Or deathless gully
Cosmic -> D thanos seems nice but man a r4 Scream could be fun :O
Tech -> We could do sam falcon or P2099
mystic: kushala my mystic queen, enchantress, or spiral
skill: bullsye
tech: arnim zola, jack o lantern
mutant: onslaught
cosmic: deathless thanos, serpent, or brb
pray for no skill
Mystic: Kushala or Enchantress
Skill: Bullseye
Mutant: Onslaught
Cosmic: Serpent
Tech: Jack or maybe hold it
Skill: Chee, maybe Xbones if I dupe him or Monke
Mutant: honestly not sure, might hold for Cyke rework
Tech: Shocker
Cosmic: Medusa’s been really impressing me. Her or Angela. I actually love Serpent as an attacker, but that’s probably too meta for me.
Mystic: Kushala or The Big Dog. If I somehow get and dupe Mojo though…
Science - IHulk or Nefaria
Mystic - Shathra or Chavez
Cosmic - Medusa or Venom
Tech - Ironheart or Jack
Mutant - Negasonic or Dazzler
Skill - Chee’ilth or Bullseye
Wish list would be much different, but many champs are still eluding me.
Cosmic - Probably DThanos (maybe serpent)
Mystic - Chavez
Science - Photon
Skill - Bullseye (lowkey chance Okoye if I pull her)
Mutant - Onslaught
Tech - Probably Guardian (Red Skull a close 2nd, Zola if I pull him)
On my alt account (which is a "deathless" account), I really hope I get a mystic gem. Would love to 4r Guilly.
Skill- Bullseye
Science- Pig or Photon
Mystic- Kindred
Tech- Red Skull
Cosmic- Serpent or Deathless Thanos
Skill - Bullseye
Science - Photon
Mystic - Chavez or Kushala
Tech - Jack
Cosmic - Serpent, DT, or Medusa
Skill- Shang
Mystic- juggs
Science- silk or maybe take ham all the way up (have 6* r6 s200)
Tech- lds
Mutant- onslaught