Act 8.2.6 Bahamet Radiation Blast are not visible.

Hi all, I have contacted Kabam about this issues today, I am fighting Bahamet, I have lost a bunch of resources trying to beat him, but from watching the many awesome “How to” videos I have come to the realization that his Radiation Blast one needs to see to be able to act on to remove his armor is not visible. He goes though the motion but that’s it. I stopped on his phase 3 because one really needs to see this during this phase and especially going into phase 4!
They said……
“Greetings Summoner,
Thank you for contacting us again, and providing more details about your report.
I have shared the details of these unexpected events with the appropriate teams for review. We appreciate your report and patience during this process. Though we will be unable to provide updates for this investigation in this ticket, you can look to the forums, in-game mail, and update notes for possible announcements regarding a confirmed or fixed issue. Because such a possible issue would be affecting the community at large, any potential compensation would be given to all affected players via in-game methods.
We are making sure to resolve any found issues as soon as possible. Have a good day.”
Has anyone else experienced this?
They said……
“Greetings Summoner,
Thank you for contacting us again, and providing more details about your report.
I have shared the details of these unexpected events with the appropriate teams for review. We appreciate your report and patience during this process. Though we will be unable to provide updates for this investigation in this ticket, you can look to the forums, in-game mail, and update notes for possible announcements regarding a confirmed or fixed issue. Because such a possible issue would be affecting the community at large, any potential compensation would be given to all affected players via in-game methods.
We are making sure to resolve any found issues as soon as possible. Have a good day.”
Has anyone else experienced this?