Inconsistencies with being "new" in your old alliance.

Dirty_DozzDirty_Dozz Member Posts: 547 ★★★
Confusing title, I know. I'll explain.

Quick synopsis: My son messed with my phone while I was busy and left my alliance, but I rejoined within an hour thanks to my alliance mates.

Now for the confusing part. When I joined the alliance, I got the usual message of not being qualified for certain event rewards due to being new, and I couldn't join the ongoing war because I was new. However, it still shows up that I have 300k in the BGs alliance event, and it doesn't say anywhere else about in eligibility for rewards.

I was unable to submit a ticket anyway, because I don't have the answers to the 268491 questions they asked. But I'm not even sure if it's relevant, because I'm not sure if the game actually thinks I'm new, or if it recognizes that I've been in the alliance for months.

Does anybody else have any insight into this? I did submit a general ticket (admittedly venting about the ticket process, while explaining my situation), but yeah.


  • Toyota_2015Toyota_2015 Member Posts: 726 ★★★
    edited February 9
    I have no idea what’s going on, but my guess is the way they coded the alliance event makes it so your progress there is saved, and since it’s tied to your account the game probably just looks at it and says “this progress belongs to Dirty_Dozz, and he’s still here so he still gets the rewards.”

    The progress saving makes sense, because this way people leaving alliances mid-event doesn’t subtract their score contribution from the total. Imagine if someone in your alliance whales out on Banquet and leaves the day before the event ends, you would end up getting nothing despite the fact that you were anticipating good rewards.
  • FurrymoosenFurrymoosen Member Posts: 5,383 ★★★★★
    It still shows your contribution to events because you're the one that contributed. However, your eligibility for anything and everything immediately resets to zero, so even though you've contributed (because the contribution doesn't go away), you will not be eligible for certain things. At this stage, you won't be eligible for war season rewards or BG alliance rewards because you can't meet the eligibility requirements.
    A ticket is the only option, so make sure you submit one (after the respective seasons have ended) to explain the situation, answer the security questions to the best of your ability, and hope for the best.
  • Toyota_2015Toyota_2015 Member Posts: 726 ★★★

    It still shows your contribution to events because you're the one that contributed. However, your eligibility for anything and everything immediately resets to zero, so even though you've contributed (because the contribution doesn't go away), you will not be eligible for certain things. At this stage, you won't be eligible for war season rewards or BG alliance rewards because you can't meet the eligibility requirements.
    A ticket is the only option, so make sure you submit one (after the respective seasons have ended) to explain the situation, answer the security questions to the best of your ability, and hope for the best.

    I’m pretty sure he’s saying that he’s still going to get the BG alliance rewards despite the fact he left, which is why he’s confused
  • Darthbane3141Darthbane3141 Member Posts: 953 ★★★★
    My recommendation: Don't tell your son your phone passcode.
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