Are the only ones(that come to mind) that I would rank 5.
SL is basically useless at rank 5, just abit quicker fights in LOL oh and also SL has crappy prestige
Are the only ones(that come to mind) that I would rank 5.
SL is basically useless at rank 5, just abit quicker fights in LOL oh and also SL has crappy prestige
SL. Wuld not be the Best prsige But. He wuld not relays one bonus to get the longe enrage timmer. So am wuld rank5 mins SL But atm. Im holde of alot
What does SL benefit from being rank 4 compared to rank 5. He doesn't need much attack to get extended enrage timer. But the cap in Labyrinth is 50k anyway. it will shorten the required hits for a 3.3M health from 400 hits to 300-350 hits. Add the terrible prestige, and just a little ramped up damage. I wouldn't ever rank 5 him.
But it all depends on the player.
1. Spark or Blade
2. Iceman
3. Voodoo
4. AA / Gwenpool
Reason is just like spidey in general and its only a plus that he hits like a truck and evade mostly all sp
Altho Blade wud be the ultimate surviver and his bleed dmg at this lvl wud be a killer.
Iceman atm the only 1 with triple immunity and well a R5 5 star iceman.. that coldsnap and dmg plus he will just eat mordo, spidey and other evade champs like candy.
AA or Gwenpool dunno who i wud if i only had those.. but both really good in there own way.
To get the maximum out of AA he rely of that the opponent bleeds and aint poision immune..
Who will be worthy of R5 5* or will people be saving the resources for 6*
Apologies for this biased response because Magik is my top champ. So I believe a rank 5 5* duped Magik will be a very powerful champ. And I have no doubt about it even from a biased perspective.
What does SL benefit from being rank 4 compared to rank 5. He doesn't need much attack to get extended enrage timer. But the cap in Labyrinth is 50k anyway. it will shorten the required hits for a 3.3M health from 400 hits to 300-350 hits. Add the terrible prestige, and just a little ramped up damage. I wouldn't ever rank 5 him.
But it all depends on the player.
SL need 3. When u culd have a spark ther only need 1 so u culd have. Som Think like sparky SL an YJ and ant man. Im understand the prisige is. Not the Best. But. He stil wort rank5. So many 5 Stars is. But. Im. Dont Care of prisge Thah much.
I also have a 5* SL, and I'll most likely awaken him using the gem if I do not awaken him by then, and I'll take him to R4. I will not take him to R5 though, due to the reasons stated above. I think a R4 5* SL should suffice enough for an LoL run. A r5 5* SL can do it but it's a bit on the unnecessary side unless you cannot keep your combos for a long time, which if you could already explore 5.4, you should be able.
Definitely a max 5*, we don't know yet what champs will be in the 6* basic pool
Assuming we have completed at least one path of labyrinth, since we're talking about 5.4 exploration. We already will have a labyrinth option
The champs that I'd max out as a 5*, in order
1. Blade, he's very powerful with the danger sense and flexible with his synergies, signature ability makes him sustainable, what more? Prestige. He can be your labyrinth option for exploration as well
2. Sparky, the utilities alone. He has taunt, auto evade, insane damage output, can power drain every now and then. He has a great prestige too, only downside is sustainability
3. Voodoo, everyone knows about voodoo. Poison, power control, the reliable regen at the start, perfect for AW and questing etc etc. Awesome prestige as well
4. Magik, the sp2 alone. Danger sense brought her down as a defender but she's always been a badass attacker. Limbo and sp3 are very handy, high prestige as well
5. Mephisto, yeah this dude will save a lot of resources. Has his immunities, can be a pain on defence. Also, his regeneration doesn't need any introduction, we've seen it in boss rush. Has the prestige factor as well
6. Iceman, he's triple immune and can endure specials like it's nothing. Doesn't let anyone evade with coldsnap and has the prestige going for him too
7. Gwenpool, has an awesome bleed, incinerate, enervate, but armour break just doubles her damage. Dupe gives her endurance and ability reduction, has a very high prestige too
These came into my mind the first second, i listed them assuming your preferences are tier1 AW and t4cc AQ and also, that you have done at least one path in labyrinth
Honorable mentions: Starlord, Hyperion, Medusa, Archangel, ghost rider and x23
My two choices are Voodoo and Ultron. Think I will do Ultron. He would benefit allot with additional attack, not to mention the double immunity and double regen 😊
My two options are Iceman and Blade. I have to r4 Blade first though, so he will take longer time to r5 if I go for him. Iceman at r5 seems very tempting to me.
It's really interesting the amount of people who are saying SL is a waste and not worthy.
I didn't think about any of that said, for instance my idea was to r5 him to 100% LOL, Done the easy route though... but with the cap still being 50k, it's just gonna be the same apart from 50 less hits maybe.
Now I'm really puzzled who to do, my other r4 is Mordo just for Wars, he isn't that worthy either. I have another 7 t2 alphas at the moment but don't wanna do another r4 yet.
Ghost Rider.
Doctor Voodoo.
Symbiote Spidey.
King Groot.
Star Lord.
Skill Champs: Blade is one good regeneration champ. he's got very high damage and also can kill hard characters like Magik without any trouble. Gwenpool has got some beastly damage, plus her sig can be helpful in some situations. CB is a very helpful ability accuracy reduction champ. his damage is not bad with a lot of furies.
Science Champs: Quake is beastly against any opponent if you know how to use her. hold heavy and your opponent is dead. Yellowjacket's biosting can do a lot of damage, he has some got crit rate and one of the characters with a lot of health in this game.
Mystic Champs: what can't Ghost Rider and DV do? as for Magik, she's the best power control champ in this game. i've seen her doing Act 5 on her own without any trouble. she's beastly indeed.
Cosmic Champs: like DV, and GR. what can't Hyperion do? he's got immunity, high damage, regeneration and lots of power gain that can be helpful in any situation. King Groot would be immortal at r5. the rest are here because of their beastly damage that can finish any fight fast.
Tech Champs: Sparky has a lot of utility and damage, SL has beastly damage too. Ultron has a lot of durability, double immunity that could last a lot in any type of quest. as for Nebula, she has lots of shock damage, double immunity and can use a somewhat useful regeneration.
Mutant Champs: AA's neurotoxin is beastly. it has lots of damage and the ability accuracy reduction when duped can help you against characters like Electro, Magik, etc. Ice-Man is a good evade counter champ, let's not forget about his durability, and his triple immunity. his damage is decent too.
X-23 can be used as a sustainability and a damage champ. she would resist a lot in R5.
Nightcrawler (might be an unpopular opinion) he can evade almost every special if used right and has can deal lots of Damage.
I have narrowed my options down to Spark and Blade. I have only done the easy path in LoL, which would be better to be the main workhorse for 100%? I feel like Blade would only be best for fights when he gets Danger Sense, and would definitely lag behind Spark against anyone with bleed immunity. Spark would be good for pretty much every fight (excluding a few cases like X-23, Abom, Guilly), but I don't think his ceiling is quite as high as Blade is when he has Danger Sense.
Probably going Spark but would love input, it's a tough call, probably another 6 months before I can r5 the other one I imagine.
Are the only ones(that come to mind) that I would rank 5.
SL is basically useless at rank 5, just abit quicker fights in LOL oh and also SL has crappy prestige
SL. Wuld not be the Best prsige But. He wuld not relays one bonus to get the longe enrage timmer. So am wuld rank5 mins SL But atm. Im holde of alot
But it all depends on the player.
1. Spark or Blade
2. Iceman
3. Voodoo
4. AA / Gwenpool
Reason is just like spidey in general and its only a plus that he hits like a truck and evade mostly all sp
Altho Blade wud be the ultimate surviver and his bleed dmg at this lvl wud be a killer.
Iceman atm the only 1 with triple immunity and well a R5 5 star iceman.. that coldsnap and dmg
AA or Gwenpool dunno who i wud if i only had those.. but both really good in there own way.
To get the maximum out of AA he rely of that the opponent bleeds and aint poision immune..
Apologies for this biased response because Magik is my top champ. So I believe a rank 5 5* duped Magik will be a very powerful champ. And I have no doubt about it even from a biased perspective.
I also have a 5* SL, and I'll most likely awaken him using the gem if I do not awaken him by then, and I'll take him to R4. I will not take him to R5 though, due to the reasons stated above. I think a R4 5* SL should suffice enough for an LoL run. A r5 5* SL can do it but it's a bit on the unnecessary side unless you cannot keep your combos for a long time, which if you could already explore 5.4, you should be able.
Assuming we have completed at least one path of labyrinth, since we're talking about 5.4 exploration. We already will have a labyrinth option
The champs that I'd max out as a 5*, in order
1. Blade, he's very powerful with the danger sense and flexible with his synergies, signature ability makes him sustainable, what more? Prestige. He can be your labyrinth option for exploration as well
2. Sparky, the utilities alone. He has taunt, auto evade, insane damage output, can power drain every now and then. He has a great prestige too, only downside is sustainability
3. Voodoo, everyone knows about voodoo. Poison, power control, the reliable regen at the start, perfect for AW and questing etc etc. Awesome prestige as well
4. Magik, the sp2 alone. Danger sense brought her down as a defender but she's always been a badass attacker. Limbo and sp3 are very handy, high prestige as well
5. Mephisto, yeah this dude will save a lot of resources. Has his immunities, can be a pain on defence. Also, his regeneration doesn't need any introduction, we've seen it in boss rush. Has the prestige factor as well
6. Iceman, he's triple immune and can endure specials like it's nothing. Doesn't let anyone evade with coldsnap and has the prestige going for him too
7. Gwenpool, has an awesome bleed, incinerate, enervate, but armour break just doubles her damage. Dupe gives her endurance and ability reduction, has a very high prestige too
These came into my mind the first second, i listed them assuming your preferences are tier1 AW and t4cc AQ and also, that you have done at least one path in labyrinth
Honorable mentions: Starlord, Hyperion, Medusa, Archangel, ghost rider and x23
I didn't think about any of that said, for instance my idea was to r5 him to 100% LOL, Done the easy route though... but with the cap still being 50k, it's just gonna be the same apart from 50 less hits maybe.
Now I'm really puzzled who to do, my other r4 is Mordo just for Wars, he isn't that worthy either. I have another 7 t2 alphas at the moment but don't wanna do another r4 yet.
Stark Spidey
Dr. Voodoo
Ghost Rider.
Doctor Voodoo.
Symbiote Spidey.
King Groot.
Star Lord.
Skill Champs: Blade is one good regeneration champ. he's got very high damage and also can kill hard characters like Magik without any trouble. Gwenpool has got some beastly damage, plus her sig can be helpful in some situations. CB is a very helpful ability accuracy reduction champ. his damage is not bad with a lot of furies.
Science Champs: Quake is beastly against any opponent if you know how to use her. hold heavy and your opponent is dead. Yellowjacket's biosting can do a lot of damage, he has some got crit rate and one of the characters with a lot of health in this game.
Mystic Champs: what can't Ghost Rider and DV do? as for Magik, she's the best power control champ in this game. i've seen her doing Act 5 on her own without any trouble. she's beastly indeed.
Cosmic Champs: like DV, and GR. what can't Hyperion do? he's got immunity, high damage, regeneration and lots of power gain that can be helpful in any situation. King Groot would be immortal at r5. the rest are here because of their beastly damage that can finish any fight fast.
Tech Champs: Sparky has a lot of utility and damage, SL has beastly damage too. Ultron has a lot of durability, double immunity that could last a lot in any type of quest. as for Nebula, she has lots of shock damage, double immunity and can use a somewhat useful regeneration.
Mutant Champs: AA's neurotoxin is beastly. it has lots of damage and the ability accuracy reduction when duped can help you against characters like Electro, Magik, etc. Ice-Man is a good evade counter champ, let's not forget about his durability, and his triple immunity. his damage is decent too.
X-23 can be used as a sustainability and a damage champ. she would resist a lot in R5.
Nightcrawler (might be an unpopular opinion) he can evade almost every special if used right and has can deal lots of Damage.
Probably going Spark but would love input, it's a tough call, probably another 6 months before I can r5 the other one I imagine.