This boss has been driving me crazy

IronwarriorIronwarrior Member Posts: 134

Holy **** how does kabam think when they design these bosses, that everyone has a void?
Man the ai makes this boss infuriating and I get literally 2 shot and the design is not even fun. What should I do


  • CandyCane2CandyCane2 Member Posts: 575 ★★★
    Use unit man
  • IronwarriorIronwarrior Member Posts: 134

    Use unit man

    Bro I reran this question 14 times today cus I'm broke and I can only do 1 attempt and she literally 2 - 3 shots me
  • CandyCane2CandyCane2 Member Posts: 575 ★★★

    Use unit man

    Bro I reran this question 14 times today cus I'm broke and I can only do 1 attempt and she literally 2 - 3 shots me
    Then use groot
  • Darthbane3141Darthbane3141 Member Posts: 897 ★★★★
    I just nuked her with Hulk. I agree, it's a terribly designed boss
  • TotemCorruptionTotemCorruption Member Posts: 1,191 ★★★
    edited February 15
    Yeah I had to use Void, but really just having the despair mastery and using any champ with a reliable petrify debuff should do the trick.
    You have to reverse her healing; heal block champs aren't able to stop her healing because it's just too much too fast.
  • IronwarriorIronwarrior Member Posts: 134

    I used Void with the awakened ability with the Despair mastery. Reverses her healing once the petrify debuffs are on her. She basically dies from her own healing while you dance around waiting for it to happen.
    I tried using heal block champs but she just heals too much too quickly.

    I don't own any star version of void
  • IronwarriorIronwarrior Member Posts: 134

    I just nuked her with Hulk. I agree, it's a terribly designed boss

    Huh? I tried hulk but it didn't seem to put a dent in her what rotation did you use
  • Toyota_2015Toyota_2015 Member Posts: 694 ★★★
    I love this boss. Fastest boss clear I’ve ever done in all my time playing the game, I think I got it down in 20-30 seconds. I used Cap IW with a Tech champion on the team, heal reversal is extremely stupid for this fight
  • CandyCane2CandyCane2 Member Posts: 575 ★★★

    Use unit man

    Bro I reran this question 14 times today cus I'm broke and I can only do 1 attempt and she literally 2 - 3 shots me
    Then use groot
    When I leave this game, you'll be at top the list of why
    I don’t get it? Groot is overpowered
  • SlayinEwoksSlayinEwoks Member Posts: 2
    I used Mr negative and it was tough to build up but sp2 with 10 dark energy while she has a ton of regen nukes her
  • TotemCorruptionTotemCorruption Member Posts: 1,191 ★★★
    Also welcome to the game, where having the perfect counter is more important than having the right skills.
  • Average_DesiAverage_Desi Member Posts: 1,312 ★★★★
    I used silk
  • dr2wsdr2ws Member Posts: 925 ★★★

    Holy **** how does kabam think when they design these bosses, that everyone has a void?
    Man the ai makes this boss infuriating and I get literally 2 shot and the design is not even fun. What should I do

    Have you tried Guillotine 2099 and her sp2? I think she can do it. Everyone got Guilly as a 7* (paragon+) free from the Christmas Calender.
  • TotemCorruptionTotemCorruption Member Posts: 1,191 ★★★

    I used Void with the awakened ability with the Despair mastery. Reverses her healing once the petrify debuffs are on her. She basically dies from her own healing while you dance around waiting for it to happen.
    I tried using heal block champs but she just heals too much too quickly.

    I don't own any star version of void
    Do you have the despair mastery maxed out?
    Here are some champs other than Void who have petrify (double check before using as this is an old list from the internet)

    Captain America (Infinity War) Science Awakened -- with Tech Tech teammate
    Hulk (Immortal)
    Joe Fixit
    Mister Fantastic
    Scarlet Witch Awakened
    Bishop -- Synergy with Psylocke
    Psylocke -- Synergy with Bishop
  • smdam38smdam38 Member Posts: 1,698 ★★★
    Silk seems to be the answer for a lot.

    No 7* yet but rank 5 ascended wrecks.
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,478 ★★★★★
    Duped silk or leader can work as well.
  • kvirrkvirr Member Posts: 1,588 ★★★★★
    I used Kate, with g99
  • Joker1976Joker1976 Member Posts: 859 ★★★
    Isn’t this the fight you just parry with void a bunch and then she’s dead?
    …think that’s what i did…way back.
  • JhonST33JhonST33 Member Posts: 658 ★★★

    Holy **** how does kabam think when they design these bosses, that everyone has a void?
    Man the ai makes this boss infuriating and I get literally 2 shot and the design is not even fun. What should I do

    Just parry with CAIW with a tech in your team, 5* version works perfectly and you can swap other champ for him in the swap node.
  • Toyota_2015Toyota_2015 Member Posts: 694 ★★★
    JhonST33 said:

    Holy **** how does kabam think when they design these bosses, that everyone has a void?
    Man the ai makes this boss infuriating and I get literally 2 shot and the design is not even fun. What should I do

    Just parry with CAIW with a tech in your team, 5* version works perfectly and you can swap other champ for him in the swap node.
    That’s exactly what I did, I was worried the 5* version wouldn’t be strong enough but he was still able to clear it with no problems
  • IronwarriorIronwarrior Member Posts: 134

    I used Void with the awakened ability with the Despair mastery. Reverses her healing once the petrify debuffs are on her. She basically dies from her own healing while you dance around waiting for it to happen.
    I tried using heal block champs but she just heals too much too quickly.

    I don't own any star version of void
    Do you have the despair mastery maxed out?
    Here are some champs other than Void who have petrify (double check before using as this is an old list from the internet)

    Captain America (Infinity War) Science Awakened -- with Tech Tech teammate
    Hulk (Immortal)
    Joe Fixit
    Mister Fantastic
    Scarlet Witch Awakened
    Bishop -- Synergy with Psylocke
    Psylocke -- Synergy with Bishop
    thanks for the effort man but nope this boss is unbeatable for me
  • TheD0C_Of_NegativesTheD0C_Of_Negatives Member Posts: 76

    I used Void with the awakened ability with the Despair mastery. Reverses her healing once the petrify debuffs are on her. She basically dies from her own healing while you dance around waiting for it to happen.
    I tried using heal block champs but she just heals too much too quickly.

    I don't own any star version of void
    Do you have the despair mastery maxed out?
    Here are some champs other than Void who have petrify (double check before using as this is an old list from the internet)

    Captain America (Infinity War) Science Awakened -- with Tech Tech teammate
    Hulk (Immortal)
    Joe Fixit
    Mister Fantastic
    Scarlet Witch Awakened
    Bishop -- Synergy with Psylocke
    Psylocke -- Synergy with Bishop
    thanks for the effort man but nope this boss is unbeatable for me
    Hm. What champs are you using?
  • IronwarriorIronwarrior Member Posts: 134

    I used Void with the awakened ability with the Despair mastery. Reverses her healing once the petrify debuffs are on her. She basically dies from her own healing while you dance around waiting for it to happen.
    I tried using heal block champs but she just heals too much too quickly.

    I don't own any star version of void
    Do you have the despair mastery maxed out?
    Here are some champs other than Void who have petrify (double check before using as this is an old list from the internet)

    Captain America (Infinity War) Science Awakened -- with Tech Tech teammate
    Hulk (Immortal)
    Joe Fixit
    Mister Fantastic
    Scarlet Witch Awakened
    Bishop -- Synergy with Psylocke
    Psylocke -- Synergy with Bishop
    thanks for the effort man but nope this boss is unbeatable for me
    Hm. What champs are you using?
    Only "counter" I have is a 8 star gullitoine and 6 star lvl1 r1 leader and she either 3 shots me if I even accidentally miss that **** intercept. I try with Guillotine but that ai is so aggressive she corners.
    This is worst boss in the game if you don't own Void and **** man the ai is bad
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 6,930 ★★★★★

    I used Void with the awakened ability with the Despair mastery. Reverses her healing once the petrify debuffs are on her. She basically dies from her own healing while you dance around waiting for it to happen.
    I tried using heal block champs but she just heals too much too quickly.

    I don't own any star version of void
    Modok, leader, guilly99. There's more than just void out there.
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