First 2 run was hard .. trying to learn the boss prompts.. spent many there. After that I took him down with less than 5 revives in all runs.. I would say I’m a decent player ( may be 6).
Serpent, dazzler, nefaria workers pretty well for all runs
No issue with using Nefaria on Ares @Onepieceisnotreal ? I was worried about whether his counter evade would screw up the SP1 and SP2 response.
First 2 run was hard .. trying to learn the boss prompts.. spent many there. After that I took him down with less than 5 revives in all runs.. I would say I’m a decent player ( may be 6).
Serpent, dazzler, nefaria workers pretty well for all runs
No issue with using Nefaria on Ares @Onepieceisnotreal ? I was worried about whether his counter evade would screw up the SP1 and SP2 response.
You can parry and evade when he dashes at you that will counts as intercept. Cannot evade specials and heavy.
5-6 hours 4k units barely had any revives since most of them went to the necro carina challenges and thankfully finished all 6 challanges and all 6 paths of epoch
Cannot evade specials and heavy.