Revive and Potions bundle update

KingSkeletorKingSkeletor Member Posts: 118
Good morning/evening everyone,

I am almost done completing Epoch of Pain and noticed that I won't have enough revives in my inventory for the entire quest. I am in dire need to buy some revives but I am not ready to pay 40 units per piece knowing that completing my first path took approximately 15-20 revives (Ares included). 20×40= 800 units per path if I use the same amount of revives. I have 5 paths left so 5×800= 4000 units for exploration. As a f2p player, buying the revive bundle would save me A LOT of units...

Does anyone know when the revive bundle is supposed to drop ? The last time I saw one it was in November or December if I'm not mistaken.


  • MasquiradeMasquirade Member Posts: 280 ★★
    There's always the flash offer that comes up at the completion of what I think is Conquerer difficulty of EQ? Obviously you'll just be able to autoplay 6 paths and get completion, but there's an offer of like, 800 units with multiple individual and team revives. In lieu of the store bundle that pops up, I seem to remember it being good value 👍
  • FurrymoosenFurrymoosen Member Posts: 5,314 ★★★★★
    Depending on how big the tin foil hat is, I wouldn't expect to see that offer anytime soon. In December/January we had the anniversary events and Mausoleum. Here in February we have Epoch, and in March we will probably have 9.2. Intense content showed up and the bundle stopped showing up. Whether or not it's connected I don't know, but a once consistent offer disappeared at an interesting time.
    But the EQ offer still exists. The problem with that offer is the amount of team revives which aren't as valuable in Epoch as elsewhere. So if you're in a rush to do it now without farming, units spent on single revives is probably the most cost effective.
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