R4 Input - Mystic

Phantøm_EchøPhantøm_Echø Member Posts: 156 ★★★
edited February 17 in General Discussion
I explored Epoch and pulled a Mystic gem, and I'm now torn between three options. I'm leaning toward Kushala or Rintrah since I focus more on BGs/War, and I am looking for input from the community.

R4 Input - Mystic 63 votes

Kushala (Sig 120)
benshbyossSungjRevan0607Sw0rdMasterZsirhcZPlayboy22567FloorKillerFloschkaShajahanKRANꓘhoggi123TheInfintyRenaxqqXniggThe_Doctor_24_1ser_ArthurSparty6JackTheSnackJack2634 33 votes
Rintrah (Sig 60)
Ragnarok13captain_rogersSoumemiakas1926willrun4adonutPT_99Cloudddey_broNacho98shield311The_LokíDRagonKNIght27Emedrag 11 votes
Chavez (Sig 40)
BioHaZarD007LmaoWolf911ShoNuff29Stupid91Ben_15455Xguard77Will3808ElwindNONYABIZZ2x2yCyrillFromTulaScott_Summers82TrongNov_Rick87_Hulk808Darthbane3141Alone13Pinkerje 19 votes


  • Cloudddey_broCloudddey_bro Member Posts: 444 ★★★
    Rintrah (Sig 60)
    Dual threat > attacker. And Rintrah is the better defender than Chavez by far
  • JackTheSnackJackTheSnack Member Posts: 1,228 ★★★★
    Kushala (Sig 120)
    Now that I think about it, with r4 rintrah you’d prob have the highest health pool in the game rn. And he’s a decent attacker so…that would be cool. But if you wanna go with the safe option…Kushala. Chavez is a nuke and a beast but I think she does Chavez things at r3.
  • TotemCorruptionTotemCorruption Member Posts: 1,465 ★★★★
    It's kinda hard because what's an R4 Kushala going to change? She already finishes all fights in BG with 50k+ points at R3 awakened.
    Rintrah would be better on defense at R4 compared to R3.
  • FrostGiantLordFrostGiantLord Member Posts: 2,200 ★★★★
    I'm curious: does Rintrah need sig to be worth ranking up? And when compared to an unawakened Chavez and Kushala, is he worth the rank 3 and potentially 4?
  • TotemCorruptionTotemCorruption Member Posts: 1,465 ★★★★

    I'm curious: does Rintrah need sig to be worth ranking up? And when compared to an unawakened Chavez and Kushala, is he worth the rank 3 and potentially 4?

    Generally the sig ability helps make him a pain on defense but can become disruptive when using him as an attacker (because you gain too much power too quickly and can't throw an SP2 because you're at an SP3 already).
  • Will3808Will3808 Member Posts: 3,946 ★★★★★
    Chavez (Sig 40)
    Truthfully, not rintrah. Kushala and Chavez are both significantly better attackers and only slightly worse defenders. They will both be much better long term. I’d rank up which of the two of them you enjoy playing most, and if you can’t decide based on that, do who you use more.
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,674 ★★★★★
    Rintrah (Sig 60)
    Will3808 said:

    Truthfully, not rintrah. Kushala and Chavez are both significantly better attackers and only slightly worse defenders. They will both be much better long term. I’d rank up which of the two of them you enjoy playing most, and if you can’t decide based on that, do who you use more.

    Rintrah is wayy wayyy better defender than chavez and kushala.
  • Darthbane3141Darthbane3141 Member Posts: 953 ★★★★
    Chavez (Sig 40)
    As someone who barely plays BGs and never ranks up defenders, rank up Chavez or Kushala depending on who you like most.
  • PT_99PT_99 Member Posts: 5,543 ★★★★★
    Rintrah (Sig 60)
    Rintrah can 100% shut down Serpent immortality, plus he hits hard now as 7* and crit focus makes his sp2 crit very often.

    Chavez and Khushala aren't shutting down Serpent 100%,
    Rintrah just makes him joke, no buffs, no power gain, he can also tank serpent specials on block and feel nothing.

    Plus as a defender, he just don't die, his sp1 is so long and stupid, first kick then pull out sword from his ass then rub that sword on his horns then charge at you, such time waster, bro is not in hurry to throw specials, plus he go stun immune? Give random funny rupture damage and unstoppable rooted, omg man..
  • Hiddenfuture69Hiddenfuture69 Member Posts: 13
    PT_99 said:

    Rintrah can 100% shut down Serpent immortality, plus he hits hard now as 7* and crit focus makes his sp2 crit very often.

    Chavez and Khushala aren't shutting down Serpent 100%,
    Rintrah just makes him joke, no buffs, no power gain, he can also tank serpent specials on block and feel nothing.

    Plus as a defender, he just don't die, his sp1 is so long and stupid, first kick then pull out sword from his ass then rub that sword on his horns then charge at you, such time waster, bro is not in hurry to throw specials, plus he go stun immune? Give random funny rupture damage and unstoppable rooted, omg man..

    Damn bro. Did Rintrah traumatize you?
  • DRagonKNIght27DRagonKNIght27 Member Posts: 47
    Rintrah (Sig 60)
    Rintrah's a dual threat, a good defender and also a good attacker! Personally I hate fighting rintrah
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