Rank up opinions that I'll actually follow :)



  • Wu_Bangerz23Wu_Bangerz23 Member Posts: 1,086 ★★★

    dr2ws said:

    Worth mentioning...I haven't done a necropolis run yet

    How can you be bored with the game if you haven't done a Necro run yet?
    Not so much bored with the game.....more or less bored with my answers to EVERYTHING (KUSHALA, SERPENT, ANGELA LOL).....Def not sick of the game. Just need to spice up the roster and have some fun doing said necropolis and finishing off epoch
    Well I mean something has to give, Kushala is the answer to everything because she counters a lot of the cosmic class with speed and efficiency. You can do the same fights with someone like symbiote supreme at the cost of time, at that point It's up to you what you value more.
    If that champion hasn’t got many buffs there’s a lot of better champions out there.
    I mean, my point still stands, you can take serpent in like 50 sec with kushala or closer to 2 minutes with Sym. There's an alternative option to what people deem a straightforward solution
    Ya and because there's 260+ champs there almost is never a singular answer.....it's the main reason 99% of people stick around a decade on a mobile game......if it was rinse, repeat , new skin, same motions this game would have died 5 6 years ago.

    But yes, I'll ALWAYS have my Kushala.....Angela......serpent.....kingpin..... obviously usually the smart and safe answer but I think I'm finally at the point in this game (for me anyways) where I have a solid base for any content......time to do FUN rankups....and hey....sometimes the best (Kushala for example) is also a fun option.....thankfully lol
  • Wu_Bangerz23Wu_Bangerz23 Member Posts: 1,086 ★★★
    I appreciate everyone who has chimed in though. Gonna go play around with a handful of candidates and see who I actually enjoy playing
  • IronwarriorIronwarrior Member Posts: 161 ★★
    Superior iron man and werewolf are so fun to play and somehow fit into any type of fight wether it be short form, long form etc
    I'd definitely go for them
    And as for fun AND aesthetics. Spot. Incredible champion
  • Wu_Bangerz23Wu_Bangerz23 Member Posts: 1,086 ★★★

    Superior iron man and werewolf are so fun to play and somehow fit into any type of fight wether it be short form, long form etc
    I'd definitely go for them
    And as for fun AND aesthetics. Spot. Incredible champion

    To each their own.....I loathe playing spot ....my kid LOVES him. I also hate playing doom and 90% of the community loves him lol ....I don't know what it is about the two of them but I hate their flow/style. I stay far away from both lol. LOVE my sup iron man and didn't get the werewolf hype at first but I'd say over the past month or two he has been one of my favorite mystics to use
  • SG2468SG2468 Member Posts: 85
    i would rank 3 hyperion . His playstyle is very simple and its always fun to spam the hell out of the specials continuosly
  • IAmGrO_ot78IAmGrO_ot78 Member Posts: 239 ★★
    Sunspot, Hulk, Jugs, Titania, Negasonic, Sinister, Wiger and Domino would be on my R3 list for BG, and I have them as R3s…except from Jugs and Sinister, they are 200 sig R5A.
  • MachoGamerMachoGamer Member Posts: 43
    My pick for champs that are good and fun to play would be dazzler, arcade, ntw, sinister and especially morb
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,686 ★★★★★

    Rank this guy. Really great. But I'll say wait for the dupe.
  • Shock29Shock29 Member Posts: 638 ★★★
    Vox is probably one of my favorite champions. Not only does he have one of the coolest designs in the game, but he’s probably one of my most used champions. I highly recommend trying him out. His damage is insane.

    For non-Cosmic, I’d give Mister Negative, Nick Cage, or Diablo a try and see if you enjoy their play style and/or find them useful.
  • Wu_Bangerz23Wu_Bangerz23 Member Posts: 1,086 ★★★
    edited February 23
    So many cosmic gems so im doing at least one.....torn between hype, vox, sim iron man and scream lol.....just r3 werewolf b3cause i want to play him more ....prob gonna do 2 cosmics actually lol. Sim IM hits hard as hell and has tons of immunities ...also is probably the tankiest of all my options. Scream has the highest FUN ceiling and puts tons of debuffs And buffs on you and enemy...hype even at r2 wins about any fight in 4 seconds lol but i hate rng.....ive played vox maybe 1 time bit he seems fun....im.gonna watch some vids on him now. Is there a community Vox main out there on YouTube ??? Also rank 3d hulk because....well hulk. If i ever get into a fight that i suck at i can usually. Do the most EXTENDED damage with him because of that beautiful stun lock.....people keep saying juggs....he is already r3 lol. I know its pitiful id hes unawakened pi wise but juggs dont care about his pi.....fights are usually over in like 10 seconds....outside of cosmic.....nstw , arcade , sable and dazzler are most likely next in line because i def have the most fun playing with them....especially Arcade...I just hate that 1 third of my r3s are unawakened lol
  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,125 ★★★★★
    Sinister and scream since you have solid attackers in other classes already but not mutant and cosmic.

    Scream can nuke a lot of tech attackers but not sure if shes high skill or hard to play (many people play her the unoptimal way)
  • GrabmeMCOCGrabmeMCOC Member Posts: 120 ★★
    MCOC Encyclopaedia said it best.

    “Rank up the champion you need for that specific content, otherwise save your catalysts and ISO.”

    And Vega says “if you rank the champion you enjoy, you will be better with that champion instead a ‘better’ champion you dislike.”

    Having said that, don’t get too caught up in these middle ranks. An r2 now will become fodder in 6-12 months. I have plenty that I never use. But they got me this far
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