Any mastery suggestion??

I don't play AW or long end game content just playing AQ arena event quest and story quest and bg sometimes
I have 5 mastery points in spare, dont know where to put them. Can anyone suggest where to put them

I have 5 mastery points in spare, dont know where to put them. Can anyone suggest where to put them

Mystic Dispersion is amazing for mystic champs and always helpful if you have a good mystic roster
It's up to you how you play though - I don't use the Ouchies Masteries, for example, but I know how helpful they are, so play how you prefer
Thats my daily use recoil setup.
Hardly do any changes.
They both are one time setup and forget about it.
This is the setup I've had for years. I've never had a need to change it.
But then I don't do BGs, AW, or pretty much any end game content for some context.