I’d wait to see if Nef gets rebalanced, if he does, I’d go void
Just imagine how damn cool having r4 void as your top champion will be
I forgot about Nefaria rebalance, and this is a good strategy.
Also, @Oakenshield my immediate preference is Silk (who does so much work for me), but she’s an instaban at R4 in BGs. Pretty sure I can’t make it without her 😬
I chose Ham myself. Silk is enough of a cannon at R3. Photon would be another excellent choice, and Luke Cage probably needs it the most. You cannot go wrong with the pig though.
I’d wait to see if Nef gets rebalanced, if he does, I’d go void
Just imagine how damn cool having r4 void as your top champion will be
I forgot about Nefaria rebalance, and this is a good strategy.
Also, @Oakenshield my immediate preference is Silk (who does so much work for me), but she’s an instaban at R4 in BGs. Pretty sure I can’t make it without her 😬
Dr. Zola
Yes, great point. Probably depends on game mode preference - I use her so much in non BGs content that I’d be tempted to take her up even though I’d lose her in BGs. I’ll freely admit BGs isn’t that much of a priority for me - I get to GC and then do the bare minimum. I don’t know - if I pull science I might do Ham as well as he is less likely to be banned and is also a beast.
I have him on both my account at r3.. amount of fights he can do is insane. Pretty much immune to all debuffs ( except poison). High Physical and energy resistance. Can perform well almost against all meta defenders( except bullseye). Insane regen, regen control, power gain, power control.
I have a r4 photon. If you are battlegrounds and alliance war focused, there's pretty much no debate that Photon is your best investment. Most science champs are either good on attack or defense. Photon is great on both. Many people will disagree with this post for all the wrong reasons. To those people, I love silk and ham, and I wanted one of them to be my first r4. However, I knew Photon was the better investment, whereas the other two would be champs I would rank up for fun. If you're not committed to an alliance and/or battlegrounds, it doesn't matter who you rank up.
I’d wait to see if Nef gets rebalanced, if he does, I’d go void
Just imagine how damn cool having r4 void as your top champion will be
I forgot about Nefaria rebalance, and this is a good strategy.
Also, @Oakenshield my immediate preference is Silk (who does so much work for me), but she’s an instaban at R4 in BGs. Pretty sure I can’t make it without her 😬
Dr. Zola
I’d choose Photon if I didn’t choose Silk (don’t have Nefaria), but I think Silk is far less likely to be banned than Photon. Photon is possibly the top dual threat in the game.
Just imagine how damn cool having r4 void as your top champion will be
Also, @Oakenshield my immediate preference is Silk (who does so much work for me), but she’s an instaban at R4 in BGs. Pretty sure I can’t make it without her 😬
Dr. Zola
Dr. Zola
Just kidding, it’s definitely Silk.
Pretty much immune to all debuffs ( except poison).
High Physical and energy resistance.
Can perform well almost against all meta defenders( except bullseye).
Insane regen, regen control, power gain, power control.
My personal opinion he is the best science champ.
May be wait till rebalancing info.
Dr. Zola
He is already tanky and this will make him more tanky
In Bgs, one slip up will cost a lot imo against a r4 Void.
It wasn’t easy. Love all of those science champs.
Dr. Zola