Will the 7-star Marvel movie come to Basic Pool, and will the Magnetron Crystals come back to the traders outpost?
we don't really know as chase champs have no real announcement of returning like sinister and nightcrawler dude. There may be a chain event like nightcrawler so prepare 11,000 units just in case
Will the 7-star Marvel movie come to Basic Pool, and will the Magnetron Crystals come back to the traders outpost?
we don't really know as chase champs have no real announcement of returning like sinister and nightcrawler dude. There may be a chain event like nightcrawler so prepare 11,000 units just in case
yea but the thing is i like the champ but def not paying over 10k units for it
Will the 7-star Marvel movie come to Basic Pool, and will the Magnetron Crystals come back to the traders outpost?
we don't really know as chase champs have no real announcement of returning like sinister and nightcrawler dude. There may be a chain event like nightcrawler so prepare 11,000 units just in case
yea but the thing is i like the champ but def not paying over 10k units for it
I guess then waiting is the best I'm sorry to hear this, if you wanted, you could just rank up the 6*, I didn't get 7* dpx so I ranked up my 6*
Will the 7-star Marvel movie come to Basic Pool, and will the Magnetron Crystals come back to the traders outpost?
we don't really know as chase champs have no real announcement of returning like sinister and nightcrawler dude. There may be a chain event like nightcrawler so prepare 11,000 units just in case
yea but the thing is i like the champ but def not paying over 10k units for it
I guess then waiting is the best I'm sorry to hear this, if you wanted, you could just rank up the 6*, I didn't get 7* dpx so I ranked up my 6*
yea i want her awakened tho but is she ever coming to basic pool
I didnt like that movie it was boring and the second one was even worse don’t watch it
Literally has nothing to do with the post my guy. This is why people are telling you what they are telling you. Go back to global.
Bosley here thought the same as me the guy who posted the post didn’t make it clear that’s not my fault
ok its pretty clear my exact words were Will the 7-star Marvel movie come to Basic Pool, and will the Magnetron Crystals come back to the traders outpost? maybe my title wasnt clear but you could see what i wrote before commenting
I didnt like that movie it was boring and the second one was even worse don’t watch it
Literally has nothing to do with the post my guy. This is why people are telling you what they are telling you. Go back to global.
Bosley here thought the same as me the guy who posted the post didn’t make it clear that’s not my fault
ok its pretty clear my exact words were Will the 7-star Marvel movie come to Basic Pool, and will the Magnetron Crystals come back to the traders outpost? maybe my title wasnt clear but you could see what i wrote before commenting
I didn’t read that I only read the title
thats ur fault then before commenting look at the description first its not that hard
dpx so I ranked up my 6*
The op (original poster for the **** here) asked a simple question.
And the post every hour folk attack him?
I actually don’t have an answer. Sorry about that lol.
But these damn folks?