Unsatisfactory paragon gauntlet rewards

DaRealIshanDaRealIshan Member Posts: 2
edited February 23 in Suggestions and Requests
I got to paragon the other day and I have always been curious about the paragon gauntlet and as I finally got to it I realised there was a bunch of stuff I was required to do before getting there, 100% exploring the TB difficulty. Normally if the rewards were actually worth it I wouldnt mind but doing all of that for mediocre to mid rewards is just not it man.Like I am first supposed to sweep the entirety of TB difficulty and THEN also finish the entire paragon gauntlet to get SOMETHING worthwhile. I probably am not going to try this again because this feels like a big waste of time i'd rather just focus on valiant instead of trying my luck here. Is it just me or does anybody else think the rewards need to be given a second thought ??
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